totally science io

Totally science io

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For those of you who us R still what is your use case? We found R has a really hard time integrating into data pipelines and was best used as a standalone tool by individuals, which doesn't really work in our particular professional setup where everyone works collaboratively together. About half our team can wrangle and plot as fast as we can think of ideas. It creates an incredibly tight cycle time between us having ideas and getting answers; sometimes many e. Before we used R, it would require someone jotting down things to investigate and reporting back in the next meeting.

Totally science io

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That said, I dislike the tidyverse solution as well.


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Totally science io

When I stumbled upon Totally Science GitLab , it felt like discovering a goldmine of resources designed to bridge the gap between code and scientific innovation. The beauty of this platform is in its community-driven approach where every experiment shared, propels humanity closer to a brighter future. How to use it? Diving into the realm of scientific collaboration and data management , I found Totally Science GitLab to be a game-changer. With its powerful features like streamlined workflows, enhanced version control , efficient data management, and a focus on reproducibility and open science, the platform empowers researchers to work together seamlessly. It accelerates the pace at which scientific discoveries are made. The emphasis on open science and reproducibility is what sets it apart from other platforms. Delving deeper into Totally Science GitLab, I unearthed a treasure trove of features tailored for the scientific community. The way these features intertwine to facilitate a smooth research process is nothing short of remarkable.

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I'm legitimately curious. Blumgi Rocket. Totally Science is a product founded by Zach Yadegari. Cosi 1 day ago parent next [—] It's not a DSL. Right now, I have to check to see if there are commandArgs , and, if not, do something else to get the information to the RStudio script. Moto X3M. I'd add complex numbers and "everything is a vector" to that. I have a vague intuition that transaction costs will be sort of cumulatively symmetric: participants who get in quickly will pay a lot per unit time, but conversely, people who VWAP in will get zero-rated on the way out. We Posit have hired Hassan the maintainer of plotnine so this is great to hear : reply. Am I correct in understanding that you have the spot price of Hopper card compute as your underlying and then come up with a pricing equation for some derivative instruments for that? But running production systems you can't have builds suddenly fail week over week because one of a hundred packages was updated reply. Still the best replacement for EDA and reproducible analysis that used to be done in Excel. The fact you mention Black Scholes makes me think it might be something closer to "vanilla" than the other way around. The statisticians are segregated from the developers here. You do any consulting on non-adjacent areas.

If you love cool math and hoodamath. Experience the latest games here.

I will agree that I left just as tidyverse was coming of age and I'm sometimes jealous i never got to use it. Basketball Stars. I'm an old R user forced to mostly use python because that's what the team uses. Cookie Clicker. I had thought this book was redone by someone in Python. Of course that doesn't make it a DSL. Fitting models that leverage autograd are also better with python. I'd highly encourage you to look into shiny more. In that context R is fantastic. RStudio is a nice tool for making some quick graphs on data, descriptive analyisis and quickly exploring a dataset. Experience the latest games here We have update new Block the Pig Games, Eggy car, endless truck and more. In Google "data science" circa although we didn't call it that , R was the weapon of choice. SomeoneFromCA 1 day ago prev next [—] In my case, I found R a better tool for learning DS, as it is more or less, a DSL for statistics, and feels more low level and fores you to learn more fundamentals than python. For those of you who us R still what is your use case?

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