total drama alejandro

Total drama alejandro

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Do NOT post any information relating to episodes that have not aired. Alejandro Burromuerto was a contestant, the main antagonist, and one of the finalists of Total Drama World Tour. He was seen with the original contestants on a yacht in the first episode of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island. He returned as the robot serving as Chris' assistant, but later became a camper for Total Drama All-Stars , as a member of the Villainous Vultures. On the surface, Alejandro appears to be a polite, dashing, and charming gentleman, but underneath he is dark and twisted. He is known to use his charm and exceptional persuasion to advance him further in the game. He has proven to be one of the show's deadliest contestants, as the number of eliminations, he has caused is rivaled only by Heather.

Total drama alejandro

This new guy is going all the way to the top. A proud and talented Spanish-Canadian whose way with the ladies is unmatched. Alejandro is as dashing, rugged, and charismatic as he is ruthless, manipulative, and cruel. With his ability to smooth-talk his way out of any situation, this handsome devil knows all too well how to exploit the faults of his fellow contestants. The Ace : Alejandro might be the most prominent example of the "Ace" part, taking it to Master of All levels. Achilles' Heel : His one weakness is having a very sensitive stomach, which is problematic being on a show like Total Drama , which prides itself on its disgusting food. All Abusers Are Male : During World Tour , he was the one who caused or influenced the eliminations of a collective half of that season's female contestants mainly through charisma , so it's no surprise as to why almost nobody trusts him not just those same female victims of his near the end of that same season. However, Alejandro finally manages to gain the upper hand on him during the All-Stars boxing challenge. However, Alejandro also flirted with several girls before starting a romance with Heather. And I Must Scream : He gets trapped in a robot suit at the end of season three. Initially, he is able to speak through a communication chip but it soon breaks, leaving him unable to communicate to anyone for a year. Arch-Enemy : To Heather initially, being the only contestant able to match her wit. The two of them clash all season long in World Tour determined to thwart the other.

While Alejandro tries to gain the trust of Owen and Cody for a while, he doesn't get very far with it and shifts his focus onto DJ once he was the only total drama alejandro left on Team Victory. However, his efforts are thwarted by Mike who has finally regained control of his body and give him one of Fang 's teeth.


This new guy is going all the way to the top. A proud and talented Spanish-Canadian whose way with the ladies is unmatched. Alejandro is as dashing, rugged, and charismatic as he is ruthless, manipulative, and cruel. With his ability to smooth-talk his way out of any situation, this handsome devil knows all too well how to exploit the faults of his fellow contestants. The Ace : Alejandro might be the most prominent example of the "Ace" part, taking it to Master of All levels. Achilles' Heel : His one weakness is having a very sensitive stomach, which is problematic being on a show like Total Drama , which prides itself on its disgusting food. All Abusers Are Male : During World Tour , he was the one who caused or influenced the eliminations of a collective half of that season's female contestants mainly through charisma , so it's no surprise as to why almost nobody trusts him not just those same female victims of his near the end of that same season. However, Alejandro finally manages to gain the upper hand on him during the All-Stars boxing challenge. However, Alejandro also flirted with several girls before starting a romance with Heather. And I Must Scream : He gets trapped in a robot suit at the end of season three.

Total drama alejandro

Alejandro is a character in Total Drama. He is one of three new competitors to debut in World Tour. Alejandro is the main antagonist of World Tour. As such, he is responsible for many unfortunate events, including the eliminations of many loved contestants, such as Bridgette, Harold, Leshawna, and Owen. By doing this, Alejandro secured Harold's elimination due to Harold quitting in that episode's elimination ceremony. He would continue in TDWT04 when he seduces Bridgette into several "accidents", until he gets Bridgette's tongue stuck to a pole, which made her team lose and her elimination a guarantee. Alejandro again orchestrates another elimination in TDWT07 by motivating Leshawna to "seize the day", eventually leading Leshawna to jump off the platform to beat up Heather during the dancing challenge in Germany, again making her team lose. Alejandro witnesses this and intentionally sacrifices himself to Team Amazon. In the end, he pushes Leshawna off of the plane, finishing off his grand orchestra. He takes a brief period of rest before resuming his antagonistic actions in TDWT11, where he tries to convince D.

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Scott Jo Lightning. A Lighter Shade of Black : In All-Stars he ultimately realizes that Mal is even more evil than himself , which leads him to become a Nominal Hero in "The Obsta-Kill Kourse" where he attempts to warn the others of the greater evil and get Mal eliminated. While Alejandro was initially going to vote with Tyler in order to eliminate Duncan, Duncan only promised to save Alejandro from getting attacked by an alien if he promised to vote with him to eliminate Tyler. Alejandro and Duncan 's plan to manipulate Courtney succeeds. Alejandro helps Courtney onto her emu in Picnic at Hanging Dork. Because of this event, Alejandro spends much of the next episode denying that he loves Heather and vise versa. After seeing the votes that were burned in the fire, Alejandro realizes that Heather betrayed his trust and voted for him. Alejandro wins the challenge by shearing the correct sheep. However, the master manipulator manages to come out victorious on both occasions and successfully orchestrates their eliminations. The Drama Machine explodes When Gwen does, in fact, end up getting voted off via tiebreaker, Alejandro continues to flirt with Courtney, even offering her and sharing cookies from first class.

Alejandro Burromuerto is a contestant on Total Drama. Alejandro is the main antagonist, and likes to manipulate a lot of people as seen in Total Drama World Tour.

Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Not the face. Flaw Exploitation : He takes pride in his talent to sniff out someone's weakness and immediately exploit it. Alejandro gets electrocuted by the electric chair. Unholy Matrimony : Eventually develops this with Heather. He notices that Heather is trying to do the same thing as him and mocks her when she gives DJ a cushion to save him from drowning before offering to be in an alliance. While he usually feigns friendship with nearly every contestant, up until they outlive their usefulness and he betrays them, he does have an unusual handle over animals. Alejandro and Heather hug after they win the challenge He also discovers that Mal is attempting to frame him for rigging the votes against Cameron in the previous episode. Noble Demon : He isn't evil for the sake of being evil, and only does it for the prize money.

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