temporary fix for bad o2 sensor

Temporary fix for bad o2 sensor

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Ed answered 5 months ago. You don't fix sensors. They're sealed and when they're gone, they're gone. Also check current to the sensors as bad wiring or a a corroded clip will resist current flow. I have a Honda Accord 4 cyl. Started stuttering today while my wife was driving it

Temporary fix for bad o2 sensor


Explore Our Forums. Loan Calculator. Started stuttering today while my wife was driving it


In this article, I will show you how to fix a bad O2 sensor. In reality, you cannot fix a malfunctioning O2 sensor. The only practical thing you can do is replace it. This sensor is made of materials and technology that are impractical to repair. This issue is relatively easy to diagnose, and the O2 sensor is straightforward to replace. Replacing a bad oxygen sensor is fairly easy for most vehicles. However, if you are not used to doing such things, you can ask a qualified mechanic to do it for you. You now know that they are located at the exhaust line, particularly near the catalytic converter. Usually, they are the components that protrude from the exhaust line.

Temporary fix for bad o2 sensor

An oxygen sensor is found in cars made after The O2 sensor is responsible for providing data to the engine control module ECM. A workingO2 sensor helps to ensure that the engine is operating at optimum performance.

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Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Dealer Signup Reviews. Know more, shop wisely Search. I just want the light off, the engine performance is excellent. Assuming the issue is a bad cat, it looks like you don't have much room on your wye pipe to fit a universal cat. Just curious, sorry if I missed a detail. Recommended Communities. So, if it is a cat problem, replacement is the way to go by law. Clearly it cleaned either the O2 sensor or Cat enough to cancel the light temporarily. General Questions. How can I fix it? Report Follow. Prequalify for Financing How does it work? I know for a fact, the antifreeze leak corrupted them both, which is why I tried the cleaner, which worked temporarily.

It is important to note that both of these methods are only temporary fixes. The O2 sensor will eventually need to be replaced. Your car might idle rough or run erratically if the oxygen sensor is malfunctioning.

How can I fix it? Please consider creating a new thread. Started stuttering today while my wife was driving it Loan Calculator. Does anyone think it's worth trying again, or should I bite the bullet and replace the Cat and O2 sensor. Unless you get a lucky and exspensive find on Ebay, OEM is no longer available. They're sealed and when they're gone, they're gone. Content will be removed if CarGurus becomes aware that it violates our policies. My vote goes towards dealing with the cat issue. Related Questions.

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