teemo mobafire

Teemo mobafire

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Teemo mobafire

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Join or Log In. Join the leading League of Legends community. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register. Vote Vote. Build Guide By manco1 Follow. Guide Discussion 25 More Teemo Guides. Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment.

With that being said if u space poorly she gets on you and hurts.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Avoid her Q into her E spam and turn your back to her R. If you are not familiar with her animations I would advise to check some Youtube videos related to it. She is relatively fast for a champion that can't wear boots. The second you get struck by Q or W she will follow up with her E that can be spammed over and over, which really hurts!

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He has long range, tools to check bushes, your blind is useless. Definietly the best counterpick to teemo support. Teemo struggles against heavy engage tanky supports. Best you can do is block his passive root from auto which he usually uses after hook. This guy is a nightmare in lane, especially with the point and click ulti. Play around your minions, and blind him when he is about to hook to deny the cc chain. You can prevent Draven from snowballing by blinding him whenever he goes in, it's that easy.

Teemo mobafire

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If he places a wall, move in between it to hit him from the side as he hides inside it. So long as you don't get caught out by the initial circle knock-up W combo into his R. His Q goes on a second cooldown based on how long the ability was held. RARELY do I drop shrooms randomly, the amount of times they get hit vs the amount of times cleared by a jungler with sweepers or expires do not do this ultimate justice! You can go PTA and cheese him lvl 1 to threaten dives better blue side for easier jgl access or go fleet footwork to match his fleet footwork. Top lane. You become visible for a short duration, but blinding his W will help save you or even your allies that have been caught out or are about to be killed through his next auto. In addition, moving inside brush for 1. Wait for the perfect opportunity and a lucky shroom to be able to clean up and ace them. Grab a ruby and harass him early Goal is to get huge cs lead and win through item lead. You need to side-step her E cocoon and try to match her early ganks. Later on zilean outscales you with everfrost and the best you can hope for is catching some cs under the tower, but its a real pain. After death, Teemo respawns with 2 mushrooms. You can be damaged by his initial Q and the return you take extra damage from the return.

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community.

If she all ins you just shroom the wave with ignite and you probably win it. Rough lane these days. You can also find all Teemo skins and chromas on Teemo's skins page. Levels are relatively easy to deal with, since Evelynn gets her so to speak "power-spike" later once she has her stealth advantage level 6. Magic resist comprising of Mercs and Force of Nature with Anethema's chains following a PTA playstyle is one of the better styles into him due to his raw damage and burn capability you would have to stand your ground and fight him in an extended trade rather than trying to run away. I recommend getting 3 points into q Jax can sort of just Q E on you and you cant do that much besides Q him back and then poke him out. His R will reveal you so don't play passive game once he is 6. As long as you dodge stuff you will win this lane and its minor, if your movement is bad this could be very difficult. But not the E CC, and if he runs after-shock a void staff will be your best bet to damage him. If Zoe decides to R to try and escape you or, get some time for her to combo back with her Q or E you can R her portal so she ends up activating it upon return. Great for engaging onto a matchup like Caitlyn x Janna. He had too much mobility an damage throughout the entire game, which made him a very large threat. You must be logged in to comment. Place shrooms around your enclaves to prevent him from simply sneaking in behind them.

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