Tamil lungi gay

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Guys this is in parallel with a tread started recently on guys in track pants. Eventhough track pants are really sexy, still i find our own native dresses like lungi and veeti more sexier and erotic. I still remember my high school days when a new building was constructed near my house. I used to go to the terrace early in the morning and start watching them. Most of the construction workers will come in pants and would change to lungi.

Tamil lungi gay

Anyone else having lungi fetish? I especially love the dark floral ones, purple, green, red, black. Semma feel to grab that inside the sexy lungi and play from there. Log in Register for Free! No Picture. Guys Online in Latvia. Gay Cruising Spots in Latvia. No Picture Biguy Posted On Jan 19, I too have a huge lungi fetish , I grew up in an agricultural family and whenever I go to my native village all I can see are hot uncles almost most of them are fit due to high labour activity wearing lungis and bare chested. I too use to wear lungis initially later started wearing shorts. But seeing guys in lungi n seeing their thighs n bare chest is an awesome feel. No Picture brownBearMature. Posted On Jan 21, oh gosh yes. No Picture Etc.

There was a warehouse with bushes free at Night.

Have you heard of a small town called Tirupur in Tamil Nadu, known as the knitwear capital of India? It is situated at the centre of the South Indian Peninsula, 50 kilometres 31 mi east of Coimbatore which is also the nearest airport. I remember I once booked a 3-night stay in a luxury supposed to be resort near a town called Polachi, which did not quite go well and so had to check out after the first night and return to Vivanta Surya by Taj at Coimbatore for another 3 days as my base. Annoyed and frustrated with the experience, I started researching things to do around the area and found out Tirupur was just a 90 min drive away. I called the concierge immediately and asked to arrange a car and local chauffeur who know his way around Tirupur. There was only one to-do list on my mind, that of going on a shopping spree at wholesale markets, outlets, and any stores I could find.

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Tamil lungi gay

In India, the lungi is the traditional dress of Austro-Asiastic and Dravidian origin people [ citation needed ]. The customs of wearing lungis vary by state. It can be worn with or without the traditional unsewn kaupinam or modern sewn langot , both of which are types of traditional loincloth undergarments. In Kerala , the lungi is generally colourful and available in various designs, and is worn by both men and women. Labourers typically wear it while working. It often bears golden embroidery kasavu , especially at the border. It is worn as formal attire and on ceremonial occasions like weddings, festivals, etc. Saffron-coloured lungis are known as kaavi mundu. Men sometimes tuck up their mundus or lungis with the bottom of the garment being pulled up and tied back on to the waist. In this case, the mundu or lungi only covers the body from the waist to the knees.

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Without these words. Refine Cancel. Posted On Feb 25, Guys let me share an interesting lungi experience. Forgotten your password? My parents where initially amazed by my behavior but latter thought I am doing this since I am so much interested in architecture lucky me. Happy ending n happy story. All images. After few glances he getting close to me and touching my thighs slowly. Log in Register for Free! Man in lungi Stock Photos and Images See man in lungi stock video clips. No Picture Arun Prasanna. Posted On Feb 25, very good topic. Its nice to know that many have this fetish. Had many experiences flirting with guys in veshti n lungi especially during my holidays at my aunts place in Calicut. Where can I easily find many such lungi uncles for fun?

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Love to share them when I have time. Hi there! Semma feel to grab that inside the sexy lungi and play from there. Check us out on Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube. He pressed my shoulders downwards and i gave him a bj. He was fastly moving his hands over my body and opened my zipper and started striking it. Unfortunately now ayuillam become authentic centre. Skip to content. Once he was standing on a stool, on a tabel and was cleaning the paran. I used to secretly drool over looking at these men. I use to sit on the sacks n watch bare chested hot bodies of workers clad only in shorts n lungi and cloth over the head.

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