tamil bus sex stories

Tamil bus sex stories

Hello Readers. To the new readers, I am 23 yrs old guy living in Chennai. I have physic not so fit and not so lean but little bit Aesthetic. And a twist which led up to something else at the end.

Pages Home Actress Nude pics. Friday 14 June Sleeper Bus from Bangalore. Let me share the wounder full experience that i had when i was traveling with my class mate Geethu name changed. We both are studying in Bangalore,in the same college. It was the day that we had holiday in our college there was some fest going on in out college. So we both decided to go to our native for our holidays.

Tamil bus sex stories

Post a Comment. Pages Home Actress Nude pics. Hi everybody. I am 24 old male originally from Chennai. I am a decent and gentle man during all my lifetime, but except on few occasions. Today I am going to share my first encounter with a girl in my life time. During my school days and college days, I am always a kind hearted and decent boy. I have loved only one girl in my life time and we planned to marry too. This incident happened few years ago that too not with my fiance but with an unknown girl. I was travelling from Chennai to other city with my pal. On that day i never ever thought I may do that or such a thing will happen, but circumstances make everybody go to other extent some times. We started from Chennai to Srirangam as it is usually take 8 hours to go there by Bus, I always prefer night travel so i can avoid hot day time travels, also in night time we can sleep and won't be that much tired. So, we started our journey from Koyembedu Bus Terminal around We missed all Volvo couches, so we decided to take a normal bus to Srirangam.

Suddenly, I got a bump on my hand. I slowly touched her left boob which was so soft. So I went to his house in the morning and returned in the evening over 6 PM.


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Tamil bus sex stories

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So we both decided to go to our native for our holidays. We started to talk a lot. My classmate iqbal. Initially, I thought it was by mistake but, she kept rubbing her ass against my shoulder which made my dick erect a bit. After a mean while i realized that she is coming very near to me. Maid From Heaven Then I slowly pinched and grabbed her breast. The way she enjoyed my acts turned me around. After some time as her stop was nearing she put her number on her mobile phone and asked me to text her. Hi everybody. It felt like a sponge. I touched her thighs, caressed it slowly and reached for her clit. She told she was coming. Then slowly i put my other hand through the seat gap between windows and seat and touch her hands and rubbed her. Ooo she was so happy and she was smiling and staring at me. So I went to his house in the morning and returned in the evening over 6 PM.


The bus is not that much crowded almost most of the back seats seemed empty. I was on cloud nine and started touching it mildly. She wanted to taste my sperm om my dick. One Girl came close to me and stood next to me holding the bus pillars. I started to play with her pussy. After a mean while i realized that she is coming very near to me. I started to kiss her on her neck, her chin. She wore a top with salwar on and leggings and she is might carry a 32c. She told she was coming. So, with courtesy i took it from her and passed to her dad at back. Please follow and like us:. I have physic not so fit and not so lean but little bit Aesthetic. She was enjoying my acts i guess. Let me share the wounder full experience that i had when i was traveling with my class mate Geethu name changed. As i removed my sandals already, my bad mind urged to touch her legs.

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