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Tamara braun nude

Sexy actress Tricia Braun is as talented as she is charismatic. The hottie has an active Twitter presence and loves sharing personal stories about her exciting life.

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Charlie Mason. Sunday, July 31st, When Linsey Godfrey turned 34 on July 25, the well wishes came fast and festively furious from co-stars past and present. And accompanying that message was a series of photos that illustrated the results of her rigorous workout routine. You can take a look here. On screen, Godfrey is going to need all the strength that she can muster up in the days ahead. Celebrate more stars like Godfrey who own their age rather than hide from it in the below photo gallery. Days of Our Lives.

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She got her start in as Ally on Loving. Laura Wright marked her milestone 50th birthday this year by donning nothing but her birthday suit and some undies. Her boyfriend of several years, GH co-star Wes Ramsey, paid tribute to his lady love with a sweet post. She won over soap audiences with her role as Ally on Loving and The City. When Loving was cancelled in , it was reworked as The City. She quickly found her way to Springfield as Cassie on Guiding Light. She was the fourth actress to play Carly, bravely filling the shoes of soap favorite Sarah Brown, the original Carly. While fans were divided on Tamara Braun, they united in their dislike of Jennifer Bransford in the role.

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