

Asbestos likely may increase the risk of mesothelioma in these individuals 5. However, sv40, the increase of mesothelioma in the s coincided with human exposure sv40 simian virus 40 Sv40 to which the human population was exposed massively between — when poliovaccines were contaminated with viable, infectious SV40 6 - 8. Here the authors summarize these issues.

Skip to content. Polio vaccines used in the late s and early s were contaminated with a virus called simian virus 40 SV40 present in monkey kidney cells used to grow the vaccine. Subsequently, investigators found SV40 DNA in biopsy specimens obtained from patients with cancers such as mesothelioma lung , osteosarcoma bone and non-Hodgkins lymphoma lymph nodes. However, several facts should be noted:. Taken together, these findings do not support the hypothesis that SV40 virus contained in polio vaccines administered before caused cancers.


Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Since its discovery, simian virus 40 SV40 has been one of the most intensely studied animal viruses. The molecular biology of SV40 has led to seminal discoveries in the fields of transcription, DNA replication, and oncogenic transformation Over the last decade, provocative evidence has accumulated that suggests that SV40 may be a human pathogen. Does SV40 infect humans? If so, when did this monkey polyomavirus enter the human population and where is the reservoir? What is the behavior of SV40 in human cells? Does it cause or contribute to acute or chronic disease? Other comprehensive reviews have also addressed these issues, with a variety of emphases 8 , 10 , 52 , 57 , In , Sweet and Hilleman first described an agent, which they named SV40, that induced cytopathic effects and vacuole formation in monkey cells SV40 was isolated from normal monkey kidney cells, stocks of the Sabin poliovirus vaccine, and an adenovirus vaccine.

Proc Am Assoc Cancer Res.

Infectious Agents and Cancer volume 2 , Article number: 13 Cite this article. Metrics details. Simian virus 40 SV40 is a monkey virus that was administered to human populations by contaminated vaccines which were produced in SV40 naturally infected monkey cells. Recent molecular biology and epidemiological studies suggest that SV40 may be contagiously transmitted in humans by horizontal infection, independently from the earlier administration of SVcontaminated vaccines. SV40 footprints in humans have been found associated at high prevalence with specific tumor types such as brain and bone tumors, mesotheliomas and lymphomas and with kidney diseases, and at lower prevalence in blood samples from healthy donors.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. The polyomavirus simian virus 40 SV40 is a known oncogenic DNA virus which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and lymphomas in laboratory animals. Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen. A meta-analysis of molecular, pathological, and clinical data from 1, cancer patients indicates that there is a significant excess risk of SV40 associated with human primary brain cancers, primary bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Experimental data strongly suggest that SV40 may be functionally important in the development of some of those human malignancies. Therefore, the major types of tumors induced by SV40 in laboratory animals are the same as those human malignancies found to contain SV40 markers.


Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Simian virus 40 SV40 is unusual among animal viruses in that it enters cells through caveolae, and the internalized virus accumulates in a smooth endoplasmic reticulum ER compartment. Using video-enhanced, dual-colour, live fluorescence microscopy, we show the uptake of individual virus particles in CV-1 cells. After associating with caveolae, SV40 leaves the plasma membrane in small, caveolincontaining vesicles. It then enters larger, peripheral organelles with a non-acidic pH.

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Weiss, A. Jasani, H. Konishi, and C. J Natl Cancer Inst. Bu, Z. Davis, and C. Schiller, S. In contrast, some retrospective epidemiological studies have failed to demonstrate an increased cancer risk in populations which had a high likelihood of having received potentially contaminated polio vaccine 20 , 82 , 95 , , These authors call into question all previous studies that have used PCR methods to detect SV40 in human tumors, because they were conducted with primers that can amplify DNA present in common laboratory plasmids. Bibcode : InhTx.. SV40 and human tumors, p. In extracts prepared from human mesotheliomas, p53, pRb, p, and p can be coimmunoprecipitated with LT 13 ,

Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer.

Nicholson, and R. Tissue processing and PCR assay setup should be performed in different facilities, from which positive controls i. This region contains the origin of DNA replication and binding sites for the transcription factors that control viral gene expression, and terminates within DNA sequences containing the polyadenylation signals. Reifenberger, D. Of note, Met activity causes the secretion of the hepatocyte growth factor HGF , which has a paracrine growth-stimulating effect on nearby cells, including cells not infected with SV40 Science Daily Press release. Rather, SV40 may be generating novel rules, leading the way as it has before into new paradigms of virus biology and pathogenesis. Is there a correlation of oncogenicity with levels of p53 in different cell types, e. Nguyen, and D. Gerber, P. SV40 infections were found in similar proportions in both countries among persons not exposed to potentially contaminated polio vaccines and in subjects vaccinated in the era of SVfree vaccines.

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