

Thanks for watching :. Take this llama!

Thanks for watching :. Take this llama! Blue Dee Da!! Sunsphynx 26 Watchers Deviations 9. Profile Navigation Sunsphynx. Home Gallery Favourites Posts About.



I dunno Emerald Spring Dragon.


Common bee-eater, actually, although they are related to kingfishers. Wish I could get my Prismacolor art to look that good. I know these aren't particularly recent, but they're still good Don't know if you're into owls, but there's the Guardians of Ga'hoole series, which is pretty good never did get around finishing it, though. Does have a bit of violence for a kid's series, but I did enjoy what I did read of it. Around 15 or so books, but there's a spinoff series of 6 that revolves around wolves that comes after that. Another series this one more sci-fi, as it has aliens and some fantastical stuff, but references from the real world that I enjoyed from 5th grade onward was Animorphs -- I know it's not for everyone, but I got into it because one of the kids could turn into a red-tailed hawk one of my favorite birds.



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I've always been a bit sheltered, and what may be normal for everyone else may seem uncomfortable for me I don't swear, for instance. You are briliant artist and You have the great talent. Pearl Dawn Dragon. Blossom Tree Dragon. I dunno Featured Gallery See all. Tracking Spirit. Hey, thanks so much for the favs, watch, and lovely comments! I just don't care, I'm not feeling it, when I'm trying to scribble ideas. I want to learn Color Pencil properly. Emerald Spring Dragon. Profile Navigation Sunsphynx. Okay, to start off with, I finally got into the clay earlier this year, and have some ready to bake Not even concept art. Log In.


Sunsphynx 26 Watchers Deviations 9. Log In. Not even concept art. Forest Dragon. Blue Dee Da!! Blue Dee Da!! Sunsphynx 26 Watchers Deviations 9. What I'm trying to say, is that Pokemon just isn't that interesting for me anymore. Featured Gallery See all. You are briliant artist and You have the great talent. Not even concept art. I dunno Well, it's been a very, very long time since I last wrote a journal, huh? No line-art.

2 thoughts on “Sunsphynx

  1. I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. But I will return - I will necessarily write that I think.

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