star wars zabrak

Star wars zabrak

A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown.

Los zabraks son una especie humanoide inteligente procedente del planeta Iridonia. Su idioma es el zabraki. Su altura es parecida a la de los humanos, ya que pueden llegar a medir de 1,60 metros a 2,10 metros. Los zabraks son una raza fuerte y confiada, y con mucho orgullo. Debido a las duras condiciones de su planeta desarrolaron una gran resistencia y un gran instinto de supervivencia.

Star wars zabrak

Designing an alien species for a science fiction franchise can be harrowing. Certain physiological traits imply personal characteristics in their owners. For example, exotic skin tones like green or blue communicate a species' distance from humanity as a baseline. Crimson skin, facial tattoos, and horns tend to evoke popular images of demons, instantly painting a species as evil. Ask the Zabrak, who carry a terrible reputation due to their most notable representatives. Darth Maul should be one of the most forgettable villains in film history. He rarely speaks, has no notable personality, and is violently excised from the mainline franchise after his first appearance. However, his design was immediately iconic, and his fight scene is the film's high point, so he's remained a fan favorite in extraneous media. As a result, his species has enjoyed a similar boost in popularity. The Zabrak are an alien species known for their horns, facial tattoos, and fierce sense of independence.

Iridonian Zabraks have a range of skin tones similar to human beings, while Dathomirian Zabraks can be red, yellow, orange, blue, gray, or white.

To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. The Zabrak are an early spacefaring race distinguished by patterns of vestigial horns on their heads. Zabrak hail from many worlds and have been spacefarers for so long that they define themselves and each other according to their colony of origin. The harshness of Iridonia, their homeworld, forged in the Zabrak an iron will to survive. Driven to escape their world, they sought to obtain the knowledge of space flight. When Duros scouts began exploring the Mid Rim Territories, they encountered Zabrak in eight sovereign colonies in five different systems.

A nightbrother warrior and leader of a village on Dathomir, Viscus served Mother Talzin. Even though he was defeated by Kenobi and believed dead, the fallen Sith apprentice returned years later during the Clone Wars to seek revenge. Later he founded the crime syndicates Shadow Collective and Crimson Dawn. Deathstick is a nightsister operating as an assassin for the crime syndicate, Crimson Dawn. A powerful Dathomirian Zabrak and Nightbrother. He was chosen as the best fighter of the Nightbrother village by Asajj Ventress.

Star wars zabrak

Zabrak are near-human sentients from the planet Iridonia renowned for their independence and wandering spirit. They have distinctive facial horns, whose number and pattern denote which subspecies an individual Zabrak belongs to. Most Zabrak wear ritual facial tattoos, which vary from simple lines to more elaborate patterns. The designs can mark significant events in their lives, or merely be a matter of personal preference. After discovering space travel early in their civilization, they quickly colonized worlds throughout the Mid Rim and gained a reputation as pioneers and explorers. Zabrak are also skilled warriors, engaging in inter-clan competitions to hone their talents; their physiology, which includes a secondary heart and some resistance to pain, gives them surprising endurance in battle. Zabraks are automatically available to all players. However, there are two kinds of Zabraks — the neutral-colored Iridonian Zabraks, and the red-colored Dathomirian Zabraks, and which ones are available by default changes based on what type of character you are creating. The Cartel Market sells this unlock for Cartel Coins, the price and availability on the GTN will change day to day and per server, but it is likely very expensive. This unlock is per-server, not account-wide, and requires that you have an existing character of any type on that server who has reached level 10 and created a Legacy.

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Zabrak would commonly take their names from animals native to Iridonia, with many Zabrak families named after the Bukk. Sugi , a female Zabrak bounty hunter during the Clone Wars. They range from scoundrels on distant colony worlds, to noble diplomats and merchants, to scouts, soldiers, and even Jedi. Darach was ultimately killed in battle with the Sith Lord Vindican and his apprentice , Malgus. Zabraks , also known as Iridonians when referring to the Zabraks who came from Iridonia , were a carnivorous Near-Human species native to Iridonia, a planet located in the Mid Rim known for its inhospitable terrain and fierce predatory life. Toggle Menu. Maul eventually kidnaped Dooku and dragged him to Dathomir, where Talzin tortured and nearly killed him. Zabraks fought against the Galactic Empire 's attempts to undermine and subvert them, and instead of surrendering, many joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Zabraks believed that the various experiences of the different colonies only served to add to the race's overall value throughout the galaxy. Zabraks are, unfortunately, defined by surviving harsh conditions and failing to make galaxy-sweeping changes. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Edit source View history Talk Notably, they have different skin colors ranging from pale pink to orange — not exactly Maul lookalikes — but also the similar crimson and black.

They are available to characters of both factions and can be unlocked for other classes through Legacy or the Cartel Market.

They receive their tattoos upon completion of the rite—a series of personal trials that test their senses in the most inhospitable environments. In the time following the formation of the Galactic Empire , the natural strong-willed nature of the Zabrak people allowed them to resist Imperial occupation. This single-minded determination came from the fact that they were a race with a strong sense of self-assuredness, confident that they were able to accomplish any task that they set out to do. Maul eventually kidnaped Dooku and dragged him to Dathomir, where Talzin tortured and nearly killed him. Toggle Menu. Zabraks are, unfortunately, defined by surviving harsh conditions and failing to make galaxy-sweeping changes. The Empire considered them to be very valuable as slaves. Its highest estimate is just over 8, sentient beings. When creating a character, the hair and horn styles are matched together, you can not mix-and-match them. From the moment we first entered the Mos Eisley cantina, the world of the franchise opened up and nothing was the same again. Zabrak hail from many worlds and have been spacefarers for so long that they define themselves and each other according to their colony of origin. As Zabrak fall to the dark side, they have the option to turn on Dark Side Corruption , where their eyes turn yellow then orange, their veins become dark and more prominent, and they lose pigment in their skin. Imperial Agents must master the arts of infiltration, seduction and assassination to carry out the most dangerous and sensitive Imperial assignments.

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