star trek xiii

Star trek xiii

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It is the 13th film in the Star Trek franchise and the third installment in the reboot series , following Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness This was one of Yelchin's last films; he died in June , a month before the film's release. Principal photography began in Vancouver on June 25, A sequel is in development. Struggling to find meaning in the middle of their five-year exploration, Captain James T.

Star trek xiii

Prior to Beyond being made, Eric Webb — a fellow Star Trek fan who recently passed away — had an idea. The story, which Eric did submit to Paramount, was written by him and developed alongside Christopher Curtis and Chris Bramante. It is four years after the events of Into Darkness. Near the edge of the Klingon Neutral Zone, a Federation listening post — after getting word to Starfleet that a Klingon invasion fleet has crossed the border — is destroyed. The Enterprise completes a mission on a backwater planet when Commodore Mendez informs Kirk that the Romulan Star Empire, five years after the devastating attack on the Vulcan people by the time-traveling Nero, is extending an olive branch to reunify the Romulan and Vulcan peoples. Informed of this plan, the Klingon Empire, fearful that such an alliance will spread, has begun an invasion of the Federation. Spock claims it is logical to consider the survival of New Vulcan — which, according to this treatment, is reddish with blue rings — and the remaining Vulcan people. Later, Spock confesses to Uhura that he feels torn between his commitment to Starfleet and the desire to help rebuild the Vulcan race. Kirk is ordered to sabotage negotiations between the Romulans and Vulcans by any means necessary. Since the Vulcans are aware of the impending Klingon attack, the Enterprise arrives at New Vulcan and is greeted by a Vulcan fleet as well as numerous orbiting weapons platforms. Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and McCoy take a shuttle down to help with negotiations. Pardek offers the Vulcan people the chance to reintegrate with their Romulan cousins, while preserving the Vulcan culture.

Archived from the original on July 20,

The crew of the USS Enterprise explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the Federation stands for, to the te Read all The crew of the USS Enterprise explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the Federation stands for, to the test. The crew of the USS Enterprise explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the Federation stands for, to the test. They say it hurts less if it's a surprise. Commander Spock : If I may adopt a parlance with which you are familiar, I can confirm your theory to be horseshit. Sign In Sign In.

April 21, By: Kayla Iacovino comments so far. As far as the storyline is concerned, the title suggests that the new film will venture farther out into the galaxy than we have seen in the previous two Abrams films, as co-writer Simon Pegg has been hinting at for some time now. Star Trek Beyond TrekMovie. What we do know is that the name has been registered with the Motion Picture Association of America MPAA , a step that typically signifies a title has been settled on for an upcoming movie. Pegg said in a recent interview to Den of Geek :. Where no man has gone before — where no one has gone before, sensibly corrected for a slighter more enlightened generation. This will certainly be good news to most fans who have expressed their eagerness to get back to the Final Frontier. So, tell us: what do you think about the new title?

Star trek xiii

The crew of the USS Enterprise explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the Federation stands for, to the te Read all The crew of the USS Enterprise explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the Federation stands for, to the test. The crew of the USS Enterprise explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a new ruthless enemy, who puts them, and everything the Federation stands for, to the test. They say it hurts less if it's a surprise. Commander Spock : If I may adopt a parlance with which you are familiar, I can confirm your theory to be horseshit. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Star Trek Beyond PG 2h 2m.

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Advertisement Advertisement. Juli englisch. Jaylah, a scavenger who previously escaped Krall's encampment where her father was killed, rescues Scott and takes him to her makeshift home, the grounded USS Franklin , an early Starfleet vessel reported missing over a century earlier. Retrieved July 29, Kalara erkennt, dass sie verloren hat, als einige von Kralls Truppen auftauchen und es zum Kampf kommt. Archived from the original on April 27, Retrieved September 3, Retrieved June 1, Quelltext bearbeiten Versionsgeschichte Diskussion 8. Nyota Uhura Karl Urban : Dr. Archived from the original on January 7, Kirk, from the prologue of the first reboot film. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.

It is the 13th film in the Star Trek franchise and the third installment in the reboot series , following Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness This was one of Yelchin's last films; he died in June , a month before the film's release.

A pre-Federation human soldier, Edison rejected the Federation's principles of unity and cooperation with former enemies like the Xindi and the Romulans. Im Transporterraum angekommen, meint er resigniert, dass mal wieder eine Uniform kaputt sei. Retrieved October 7, China Film Insider. Wikipedia Star Trek Into Darkness debate. Archived from the original on January 9, April 22, Best Make-up. This could very well have served as the basis for a spectacularly made film. Simon Pegg.

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