spooky month characters

Spooky month characters

Grandma is the grandmother of Skid and the mother of Lila. She only appears in it's spooky month characters month. Her appearance is like that of a zombie, an almost rotting corpse, but she seemingly managed to live despite this in the first episode. She shares her grandson's love of Halloween.

Frank "Hey, kids A shady man always seen in his white van, Frank makes a living out of abducting children off the street, drugging them up to knock them out and putting out a ransom for the parents to cough up if they want their kid back. He's a good friend of Skid and Pump. Adipose Rex : As a child , he went out for Halloween as a king, while still retaining the hefty figure he has in present day. Affably Evil : He kidnaps children that aren't Skid and Pump and sells them back to their parents for a ransom, yet when it comes to Skid and Pump, he's always kind and helpful towards them. Ambiguously Human : While not differing too much from the rest of the human characters, his eyes seem to naturally be pitch black, and he's the tallest character in the cast by quite a margin outside of Eyes , of course , leaving a bit of leeway if he's really human or not. Interestingly, Lila's photo at the end of "Tender Treats" shows a young Frank with normal eyes.

Spooky month characters


He's a malicious demon who is trapped in Skid's attic due to a botched summoning ritual which only allowed the spooky month characters half of his body to emerge from the Ouija Board.


A trio of delinquents whose fondness for hats is rivaled only by their joy for shoplifting from the Candy Club, and at least in the beginning of the series bullying Skid and Pump. Big Brother Instinct : In "Tender Treats", the Hatzgang are ready to rob the Candy Club blind, but Robert reveals that it's for the sake of his sister, who's seriously ill and he promised to bring some candy back for. When Skid and Pump come by, he kindly asks if he could have some of their candy and clearly explains that he wants to give it to his sister, and they gladly do so. Even after they're robbed by Bob, Roy sacrifices all the candy that Carmen bought for him to give it to Robert and Ross, so that Robert's sister doesn't go without candy. Blonde, Brunette, Redhead : A rare male example. Robert is the blonde , being the most affable of the three, Ross is the brunette , being the most sensible and realistic of the trio, and Roy is the redhead , being the most impulsive and short-tempered of the Hatzgang. Cheshire Cat Grin : They all usually have big wide smiles on their faces, Roy and especially Robert in particular. Consistent Clothing Style : Their cold weather clothing that they wear in "Deadly Smiles" is slightly different than their usual attire; for example, Roy and Robert have different hats, but they don't deviate too much.

Spooky month characters

Frank "Hey, kids A shady man always seen in his white van, Frank makes a living out of abducting children off the street, drugging them up to knock them out and putting out a ransom for the parents to cough up if they want their kid back. He's a good friend of Skid and Pump. Adipose Rex : As a child , he went out for Halloween as a king, while still retaining the hefty figure he has in present day. Affably Evil : He kidnaps children that aren't Skid and Pump and sells them back to their parents for a ransom, yet when it comes to Skid and Pump, he's always kind and helpful towards them. Ambiguously Human : While not differing too much from the rest of the human characters, his eyes seem to naturally be pitch black, and he's the tallest character in the cast by quite a margin outside of Eyes , of course , leaving a bit of leeway if he's really human or not. Interestingly, Lila's photo at the end of "Tender Treats" shows a young Frank with normal eyes. Befriending the Enemy : His crooked behavior would make him a red flag for pretty much anyone, especially potential victims like Skid and Pump, yet the trio are nothing but friendly and helpful to each other.

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The Comically Serious : The tall man is too bitter to put up with his partner's goofiness, and only does the Spooky Dance as a distraction because Lila caught them trying to rob her. Whether or not he is the same Santa Claus from Mokey's Show is unknown, though it is unlikely considering that Santa is a static PNG rather than a fully drawn character in Sr. Show Spoilers. Lila then took this opportunity to call the police. The post-episode ARG for "Tender Treats" also reveals that Dexter's skin turned red and became hard as rock, while his blood became incredibly hot. By the third short, he's gotten sick and tired and starts causing a ruckus in the attic, starting the sub-plot. A mysterious individual that lures people into the woods by playing a tune on their flute. Older Than They Look : Downplayed. A newspaper headline even refers to him as the Devil. For perspective, Skid and Pump hadn't even left their houses by this point. Given that's what bought her enough time to call the police, it's reasonable he'd only do it for a few seconds at most to taunt her. Madman in the Attic : Emphasis on "mad". Pump and Susie's father is the son of Mr.

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Big Eater : Loves eating, especially candy and human flesh , even down to knowing proper ways to prepare the latter. Glowing Eyes of Doom : When taking souls, she appears on the TV flickering back and forth from only her eyes glowing from the dark, and then her eyeless face. A Day in the Limelight : After two shorts of being a short joke, he gets his own subplot in "Unwanted Guest" as Lila mistakes his frustration for a rat in the attic, hiring an exterminator and by extension giving him a bodily vessel to escape with. You move the X to the other side, and you have the answer! In his commentary for "Deadly Smiles", Sr. Frank: A lone kid? Perpetual Smiler : All pictures of him without his gas mask on show him giving a happy but off-putting smile to the camera. Ambiguous Situation : It's left unclear whether the entity is a spirit controlling a skeletal body, something residing in the pit the skeletal body looms over, or the pit itself. Manipulative Bastard : In the 7 months that Skid and Pump share him, he tries his hardest to sway Skid into being an accomplice for his bloodlust, specifically by telling him to ask Lila to get a cat. Pet the Dog : A rather literal example; despite how much he enjoys killing various types of animals and later people , he apparently likes dogs.

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