Space marine list

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Along with a brief synopsis of each chapter, this list also serves as a visual reference. This list does not include Space Marine Chapters that fall into the humour category. This list also does not include Blackshield forces or units as they are technically not full Space Marine Chapters, therefore, they fall into their own Blackshield category. This is an ongoing project, and as such, additional Chapters will be added or removed accordingly. For those Chapters that are missing from the list, please feel free to edit this article and add it, or if the Chapter article has been deleted, feel free to remove it. The Chapter comes from the world of Thedosia, a feudal world ruled for millenia by a powerful aristocracy and oversaw by the Sanctum of Nimue, a sanctioned sect of the Imperial Cult worshipping the animistic force known as the Eternal Light, who defend its people against the dangers of the Galaxy and beyond. Warhammer 40, Homebrew Wiki Explore.

Space marine list

Alex Evans. Published: Mar 14, The power-armored super-soldiers of the Adeptus Astartes are a perpetual favourite on the tabletop, supported by a vast range of miniatures. This guide explains everything you could possibly need to know about them. There are flavors of Space Marine to suit every palette, so much so that we have a whole separate guide to the Space Marine chapters and legions. More than any of the other Warhammer 40k factions , Space Marines take the centre spotlight, whether in the lore-rich Horus Heresy book series , or the hundreds of distinct models backed up by rules in their Warhammer 40k codex army list. Space Marines — also known as the Adeptus Astartes — are surgically enhanced, mentally indoctrinated super-soldiers, who wield the most powerful arms and armor available to the Imperium of Man. Each Space Marine begins life as a human adolescent, and is selected to enter a chapter through a series of gruelling trials. Some are additional organs, like the third lung and second heart, while others alter their metabolism and enable the other implants to function. The final implant, the black carapace, allows the neophyte to wear Space Marine armor. Via the black carapace, a Space Marine can form a direct mental bond with their power armor, affording them complete control over this strength-enhancing mechanical exoskeleton. The Catalepsean Node allows them to remain awake indefinitely without sleep, only requiring limited, semi-conscious rest. Space Marines are heavily indoctrinated with psycho-conditioning. This ensures their loyalty to the Emperor — for the threat of a Space Marine slipping their mental bonds and succumbing to the Warhammer 40k Chaos powers is too great to be ignored read our Chaos Space Marines guide for more info.

The short, real-world answer is that game-makers shape their protagonists and make no mistake, the Space Marines are the closest thing Warhammer 40k has to protagonists to fit the aspirational, power-fantasy self-image of their core customer base; and, space marine list, when GW created Warhammer 40k in the late 80s and early 90s, that core customer base was almost exclusively men and boys. Assault: Improve AP by one Armour of Contempt 1CP Just after an enemy unit targets one of your units in the starkylol or fight phase; until the end of phase, worsen the AP of attacks targeting that unit by one. This Chapter is known to have an air of arrogance or space marine list that sometimes to rub others the wrong way.

The icon of the Adeptus Astartes. This is not a complete list, as not every Chapter in existence in the Imperium of Man is known. Please note: Fan-created Chapters must be posted at the Warhammer 40, Homebrew Wiki and not on this page. Warhammer 40k Wiki Explore. Imperium of Man. Adepta Sororitas Important Links.

Timothy Linward. Published: Sep 7, This guide covers the most important chapters — those that bear the names of the lost legions, and their most famous successors. It introduces their character and history, as well as pointing you towards our full-fat guides to each chapter. We have a separate guide to Space Marines that explains what they are, and how they play on the tabletop. The Emperor of Mankind created 20 vast legions of transhuman marines — the Legiones Astartes — using a combination of his own genius, and the work of many genetic scientists chief among them Amar Astarte, after whom the resulting warriors were named.

Space marine list

Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war I shall forge them. They shall be of iron will and steely sinew. In great armour I shall clad them and with the mightiest weapons shall they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight them. They shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines The Space Marines or Adeptus Astartes are foremost amongst the defenders of Humanity , the greatest of the Emperor of Mankind 's warriors.

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These are used to perform surgical strikes or seize strategic points with the aid of fast-moving Razorbacks or Rhinos. The Doom Legion is responsible for the maintenance and garrison of the Faithful's Deliverance , the star fortress that overlooks the notorious Elusian Maze asteroid fields. Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: They show a marked hatred for chaos and view it as 'A fool's investment'. The Ardent Shields are a Chapter whose founding was based off a need to add more numbers to the Adeptus Astartes in the Armageddon Sector while still abiding by the Codex Astartes. Crusaders of Dorn. Throughout their existence, the Blood Scorpions have garnered a brutal reputation for being savage and unrelenting fighters. The resulting brutality has led to their investigation on charges of heresy by the Inquisition on multiple occasions, though they have been cleared of suspicion at present. Officially founded on the world of Caanan in Segmentum Tempestus, they quickly became a fleet-based chapter. As ever, if you have questions or feedback feel free to drop us a comment below, or email us at contact goonhammer. Warhammer 40k Wiki Explore.

Fallout Factions: Launch Event and Preview.

This long conflict shaped the Chapter into what it is today and their reputation as invisible, deadly and terrifying has since continued to grow. But surprisingly, this is actually the Chapter's secondary focus, as they prefer to make use of mass-theatre fire and maneuver tactics. They bear their battlefield role insignia upon their backpacks so that their comrades can identify them even in the choking smoke and dust of urban war. Woe betide any enemy that lets their giant motorised fists get in range. The Ardent Shields are a Codex -compliant Successor Chapter create during the 20 th Founding from the proud lineage of the venerable Ultramarines. With the opening of the Great Rift, the Chapter homeworld found itself enclosed in a warpstorm extending into realspace from the depths of the Maelstrom. In Walking a precarious path between purity and damnation, only time will tell whether or not the numerous excesses committed by the Baleful Boars in the Emperor's name will be their downfall, and eventually they are declared renegades by the High Lords of Terra. Unable to recover enough of the precious Progenoid Glands of their fallen battle-brothers, the Silver Stars could not cultivate further Astartes organ implants to create future generations of Space Marines and died off, unable to replace its losses. Despite being a primary anti-Chaos and anti-Ork Space Marine chapter, they almost suffered the fate of their fallen brothers, being nearly eradicated by the Tyranid menace. Spaceship boarding, stealth assassinations, crowd control, massed assaults, armored blitzkrieg — you name it, Space Marines can do it. The Ultramarines are currently led by their recently resurrected Primarch Roboute Guilliman , who defended the Realm of Ultramar from the forces of Nurgle during the so-called Plague Wars. Extant evidence points to this Chapter hailing from the proud lineage of the noble Rogal Dorn. Although a newer Chapter, the Blood Drakes have already earned a reputation for their pragmatic brutality and relentless aggression towards their foes, especially Greenskins, earning them the nickname 'Ork Hunters'. M41, making it one of the most recently founded Chapters in the Imperium of Man.

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