

Woodford has everything you need when it comes time to install or repair an outdoor wall faucet, sliptube, wall or even a yard hydrant, sliptube. Once you've determined which sliptube of our freeze proof faucets best serves your needs, take a look at our instructional step-by-step video on how to install it. Watco is the Choice of Professionals when looking for high-quality, sliptube and useful bath drain products for your upcoming DIY or repair project.

John R. Homer, Shreveport, La. This invention has vto do with a device for'in'dieating the level of liquid in a pressure vessel, and for determining the gas-filled space 'above such liquid, commonly called outage space. It is particularly useful in determining the quantum and character of the contents of a tank containing liquefied petroleum gas fuels, such as butane and the like. Grages have been used which are unsafe, 'delicate and easily damaged. For example, themagnetic float type gage is such a device.



It continues to be safe even though these parts are broken off while the gage is fully extended. One undesirable result of a completely filled tank was that when the liquid expanded it would be forced through the service sliptube to the consuming sliptube and cause the premises to catch tire. It is extremely dependable, sliptube.


John R. Homer, Shreveport, La. This invention has vto do with a device for'in'dieating the level of liquid in a pressure vessel, and for determining the gas-filled space 'above such liquid, commonly called outage space. It is particularly useful in determining the quantum and character of the contents of a tank containing liquefied petroleum gas fuels, such as butane and the like. Grages have been used which are unsafe, 'delicate and easily damaged. For example, themagnetic float type gage is such a device. The iioat may leak, the gears become inaccurate, and 'foreign materials cause the magnetic Vneedle to stick, especially if the glass cover is broken. Another gage which gave trouble and frequently leaked is the old-fashioned slipetube gage; and as heretofore constructed it discharged too much fluid from the tank while it was being read; and there was no way to prevent occasional or continued leaks around the slip-tube itself, even though packing was used. This gage did 'not answer the need for safety, so ever ,present in the handling and gaging of liquefied petroleum gases. Then the tube itself would be expelled entirely from the tank, leaving an open hole through which the explosive fluid would be discharged to the atmosphere, causing fires and great damage to property, with occasional loss of life.


March 20, H. In one aspect, it relates to apparatus for gauging liquefied petroleum gas in transport truck tanks. When filling tanks of transport trucks with liquefied petroleum gas LP-Gas current practice for gauging such tanks is to use a roto-gauge for determination of deliveries to the truck tank. Roto-gauges are often damaged through vibration and shock resulting from travel over roads and highways and thus become inaccurate. It has been found that in many cases serious errors have occurred in gauging liquid volumes loaded into transport trucks. These errors in some instances involve loading of too large a volume of liquid, and in other instances too small a volume of product into the tank.

Ahf pensacola

USA1 en. The upper end of tube I is threaded externally so that it will cary the tube head I'I. The cook stoves, water heaters and all gas 2 burners would be filled with liquid fuel which would explode when ignited. The tank is then filled to the required level which will indicate the gallonage delivered. Because of these considerations the old style gage has always carried a somewhat larger channel than is required for reading and determining the contents of the tank. It is extremely dependable. In order that this gasket may not become disassociated from the. Even if the top of the gage, and all its ttings above the gage head 2, were broken off, no very appreciable quantity of fluid would escape. Then a tiny Istream of liquid will appear and be discharged from the top of the gage. More often the tank is charged to its maximum liquid capacity which is usually ninety per cent of the entire tank capacity. Even if the discharge from opening 22 were ignited, the ame would be so extremely small that it could be smothered with ones hand without any injury vto the person. Reading is done at infrequent intervals to determine if the tank needs to be refilled with fuel. Tube I has a tubular extension The iioat may leak, the gears become inaccurate, and 'foreign materials cause the magnetic Vneedle to stick, especially if the glass cover is broken. The quantity that would be discharged through orice 29 would be noticeable but not dangerous.

Diameters available 60, 80, , , , , , , , , , , , , mm. Push-in tubes should only be used in cases where length adjustment is necessary.

It is torbe recognized that this -is a slip tube gage; and because the tube is'required to slide up and down in its housing there would ordinarily be opportunity for leaks around the tube. II is a sectionalized elevation of the entire gage assembly. I-iocknutzl prevents fthe gasket from lleaving its position on the stop ring and from working loosely along tube l and from failing to separate :from projection :5 when the sliptube iis returnedto :its deepest :penetration within the tank. USA1 en. And a still further object is to provide, in a slip-tube sufficiently large to be cleaned and in which accumulations of foreign matters may be 'prevented to a considerable degree, a minute safety orifice at the extreme lower end of the tube, so that far less than the usual quantity of liquid or gas will pass therethrough and along the channel o'f the tube and out to the atmosphere. The quantity that would be discharged through orice 29 would be noticeable but not dangerous. It is extremely desirable that a dependable and very safe gage be provided in the handling of these fuels; and it is further desirable that pr'ovision be made for 'the automatic determination of the outage space, so that the operator would not. This cost effective support started a design trend that revolutionized the rooftop support industry. The space thus left is usually ten per cent of the maximum capacity of the tank. Another diiculty with the older gages was that no provision was made for automatically determining, measuring and limiting the outage space so that it would not be filled with liquid. Immediately above the seat of valve I8 there is provided through the side wall of tube head I'I a discharge hole 22, through which the contents of the tank will discharge to the atmosphere while the gage is being read.

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