slate pencil video

Slate pencil video

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By Ritu Singh. New Delhi: Apart from selling useful and everyday things, e-commerce platform Amazon really has a long list of bizarre and weird stuff listed on its website! Yes, you read it right. While some of you might have eaten chalk when you were a kid or seen your fellow classmates snacking on slate pencils in school, you might not have seen such things for sale. Notably, people who have an compulsive habit of chewing on chalk may have an eating disorder known as pica. Trending Now.

Slate pencil video

Reported By: Ponnam Srinivas. Edited By: Sukanya Nandy. A slate pencil created with food items of nutritional value invented by two girl students in Telangana received recognition at the recently held science exhibition at National Science Congress, which was virtually inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They came up with the idea of making slate pencils with food items of nutritional value so that the children do not fall ill when eating them. The duo shared their idea with their science teacher Sunitha. She appreciated their idea and agreed to act as a guide to their project. The girl students prepared the edible slate pencil using dry fruits, rice flour, groundnut powder, sugar, jaggery, and sesame seeds powder. The edible slate pencil with nutritional values was made in such a way that the children can use it as a slate pencil and eat it as candy. The students named their project Overcoming from Disaster of Eating Slate Pencil and exhibited their model at the science exhibition representing Telangana at National Science Congress where many students from various states displayed their exhibits. The edible slate pencil was well appreciated at the event. Peddapally district collector Sangitha Satyanaryana, district education officer Madhavi, School in-charge headmistress Lurt Mary and other teachers lauded the duo, who brought fame to the school at the national level by inventing an edible slate pencil. When News18 contacted them, their science teacher and guide Sunitha said that the two girl students received medals and appreciation certificates at the national science congress after exhibiting their edible slate pencil model. Afsiyan Sultana, one of the two students behind the edible slate pencil said that she noticed that her younger sister always complains of stomach ache when she used to eat slate pencils and that made her think about preparing an edible slate pencil with nutritional values. Hari Priya said that their science teacher Sunitha helped them a lot in making the project a big success.

Girl sitting at desk with pencil in right hand and the slate in the left hand.


Slate pencil eating is a controversial practice that has gained attention in recent years, particularly among women. While some may view this habit as harmful or unappetizing, others swear by its supposed benefits for the body, particularly for women's health. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the alleged benefits of eating slate pencils, examine the potential risks, and explore whether this practice is truly worth adopting. While slate pencil eating is generally not recommended due to potential health risks such as lead poisoning, some proponents argue that it may offer certain benefits, particularly for women. These alleged benefits include:. Some women believe that eating slate pencils can help improve digestion and relieve constipation , as the chalky substance can act as a mild laxative. There are claims that slate pencil eating may help reduce menstrual cramps due to its high calcium content, which can help relax muscles and reduce pain. Slate pencils are also rich in iron, which is important for women's health as they tend to have higher iron requirements than men. Some women may turn to slate pencils as a natural source of iron, particularly if they are vegetarian or have difficulty absorbing iron from other sources. Slate pencil eating may provide a calming effect on the body , which can help reduce tension and strain.

Slate pencil video

Are you specifically fond of chalk or slate pencils? Do the colourful slate pencils attract you? Above all, do you like to have a bite of these pencils?

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A slate pencil created with food items of nutritional value invented by two girl students in Telangana received recognition at the recently held science exhibition at National Science Congress, which was virtually inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. By Ritu Singh. It is nowadays a museum since High angle view of educational objects in a field. Video Editing,Movie clapper laptop and pencil notepad on the wood table top view shot. Latest News. You may like to read. Not just these two listings, several other similar products have been splashed all across Amazon. Also Read:. They came up with the idea of making slate pencils with food items of nutritional value so that the children do not fall ill when eating them. Best match. When News18 contacted them, their science teacher and guide Sunitha said that the two girl students received medals and appreciation certificates at the national science congress after exhibiting their edible slate pencil model. The girl students prepared the edible slate pencil using dry fruits, rice flour, groundnut powder, sugar, jaggery, and sesame seeds powder Follow us: Whatsapp Facebook Twitter Telegram Google News. People have been lauding both the girl students and the school for inventing the edible slate pencil in order to save the children from the ill effects of traditional slate pencils.

Do you sometimes crave slate pencil or chalk?

Best match. India's Bonded Child Laborers. Our World. New Delhi: Apart from selling useful and everyday things, e-commerce platform Amazon really has a long list of bizarre and weird stuff listed on its website! Latest Blogs. The students came up with the idea of making slate pencils with food items so that the children do not fall ill when eating them. Edited By: Sukanya Nandy. Black rustic Chalkboard Background. This is not the first time moms guiding people and playing with their health. Social Media Circle Icons Set. The girl students prepared the edible slate pencil using dry fruits, rice flour, groundnut powder, sugar, jaggery, and sesame seeds powder. Hari Priya said that their science teacher Sunitha helped them a lot in making the project a big success. Even me and my family eat these and it just gets tummy full for just 1 slate pencil.

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