Signature health raynham

Signature Healthcare includes affiliated physicians and other direct care providers, employed physicians and 2, associates operating from Massachusetts locations in: Abington, Bridgewater, Brockton, Signature health raynham, Easton, Randolph, and Raynham. We are Signature Physicians.

Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. If these provider-related decisions impacted the annual capital or operating budgets, the distribution of material assets, or the incurrence of debt, the BOT would be informed and approve such actions. The BOT is regularly informed of material transactions relating to providers. Additional detail on governance, specifically as it relates to population health management, is available elsewhere in this document. Under the corporate bylaws, the Board consists of the president of the corporate member BMC Health System , the president of the corporation BMCHP , a chairperson and no more than twelve 12 additional trustees.

Signature health raynham


Pettinato values every patient interaction, and his goal is to positively impact lives. Please let us know how we can improve this page.


Healthcare is a personal matter, which is why everyone should have a personal relationship with their own Signature Healthcare primary care physician. And with a choice of male or female physicians at offices in seven communities, you can have a primary care physician who fits your needs. Know where to go when you need urgent or emergency care instead of calling your PCP or scheduling a telehealth video visit. Current patients : Please call your provider's office or use the Patient Portal to schedule your appointment online. Our team of high quality and caring physicians provides a wide range of Primary Care services and innovative, state-of-the-art programs to bring advanced, cost-effective care close to home.

Signature health raynham


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If you need assistance, please For help on some common issues, see here. A central component to this strategy is executing on our population health management program. The numbers estimating total medical expense TME for Signature in this population already show good management. Skip to content. In order to maintain high quality care while at the same time bend the cost curve, these programs will have to be successful. The BOT is regularly informed of material transactions relating to providers. A new mother, Dr. Over time, data driven improvement work across multiple elements of care will supplement these early performance drivers. While we will implement all programs with the goals of reducing total cost of care and increasing quality for our members, we expect that savings will scale over time. Mitch Selinger. If these provider-related decisions impacted the annual capital or operating budgets, the distribution of material assets, or the incurrence of debt, the Board would be informed and approve such actions. We will use this information to improve this page. Over the next years, we intend to further incentivize physicians for additional quality metrics relating to ACO quality metrics.


We are confident in our strategies for reducing total cost of care. Register to receive Text Message Alerts on all of our new physician openings. In order to maintain high quality care while at the same time bend the cost curve, these programs will have to be successful. Please limit your input to characters. According to the PY1 notification, Signature Healthcare primary care physicians and practices currently have approximately 18, attributed members. In designing our ACO programs for this population, we have created processes that offer the best opportunity to engage patients when they are ready. Southern Massachusetts offers some of the best communities to raise a family in, giving you access to great schools, beautiful scenery year round, and countless activities to enjoy together! Learn More. The fore mentioned programs are critical to the success of the ACO as we begin to manage this very challenging population. Skip to content.

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