Book now ensure you don't miss getting coverage when the flu arrives this Fall!

You are using an unsupported browser. Please upgrade your version in order to view the shoppersdrugmart. The flu is a respiratory i. Many people use the word "flu" when they actually have a cold. Although the common cold is also caused by viruses, the flu and common cold differ in several ways. In North America, flu almost always strikes between October and April.


In fact, influenza and pneumonia are ranked among the top 10 leading causes of death in Canada, Your doctor will be able to tell that you have the if you have at least some or most of these symptoms:.


You are using an unsupported browser. Please upgrade your version in order to view the shoppersdrugmart. The flu is a respiratory i. Many people use the word "flu" when they actually have a cold. Although the common cold is also caused by viruses, the flu and common cold differ in several ways.

Health and wellness September 21, The two-combined give you your best shot at a safer fall and winter. With new variants, and COVID case counts rising, getting the flu shot can help to minimize flu related hospitalizations, and help protect you and your loved ones. This year, like last year, the Flu Program may help reduce the overall burden on the healthcare system, already strained by the COVID pandemic.

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In fact, influenza and pneumonia are ranked among the top 10 leading causes of death in Canada. Employees will sign up for an assigned 4 minute time slot. Please upgrade your version in order to view the shoppersdrugmart. Source: www. However, many symptoms of the flu are similar to respiratory infections. Zanamivir is an inhaled spray, whereas oseltamivir is a pill. Because the flu viruses can change from year to year, vaccination needs to be repeated every year. Taken within 24 to 48 hours after the onset of illness, these medications reduce the duration of symptoms by up to 1 day. Children and teenagers with flu shouldn't take ASA or other salicylates medications related to ASA, such as salsalate or magnesium salicylate. The flu can also be spread when someone touches a surface e. Publicly subsidized vaccines are widely available in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Alberta only and expected to be available early November.


While most people recover in 7 to 10 days, severe illness can occur. On average, about 3, people in Canada die each year from complications of influenza, and about 12, people with the flu are hospitalized. Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are rare in adults but more common in children. Zanamivir is an inhaled spray, whereas oseltamivir is a pill. The flu takes 1 to 4 days to incubate in humans, but infected people become contagious before symptoms appear, often just the day after the virus enters the body. However, there is still a chance that you can get the flu — although your symptoms may be milder. Download the flu clinic flyer Download booking info sheet. You can reduce your risk of getting the flu by practicing regular hand-washing using soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Viruses that cause influenza spread from person to person mainly by droplets of respiratory fluids that are sent through the air when someone infected with the virus coughs or sneezes. Influenza C is rarer and does not usually cause outbreaks.

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