Shaved innie

You need to have been registered for 7 days to post in the Sex forum. I have an "innie".

The visible part of the vagina consists of the outer lips labia major and the inner lips labia minora. The labia major, or outer lips, are fleshy with pubic hair on them. The labia minora, or inner lips, may or may not be visible. The vagina is inside the body. When people use the above terms, instead of referring to the vagina, they are actually describing the labia.

Shaved innie


The labia minora, shaved innie, or inner lips, may or may not be visible. When I was a teen I actually thought something was wrong with it shaved innie I put off letting anyone near it, ended up losing my virginity about 4 years after I naturally would have because of being so conscious.


A woman's body truly is a miracle, and this fact is most beautifully illustrated during the miracle of childbirth. Ask any witnessing party: What a woman can accomplish through pain, sweat, and tears is awe-inspiring. When a woman goes into labor, her body changes rapidly to bring new life into the world. As moms well know, birth is an incredible process: inspiring, frightening, and truly just plain cool. That's right, we said it: The vagina is cool. And if you've tried to avoid thinking too hard about what it takes to push a baby through such a small opening, don't worry. These photos show you in incredible detail.

Shaved innie

The labia minora Latin for 'smaller lips', sg. They vary widely in size, color and shape from individual to individual. The labia minora are homologous to the penile raphe in males. The labia minora extend from the clitoris obliquely downward, laterally, and backward on either side of the vulval vestibule , ending between the bottom of the vulval vestibule and the labia majora. The posterior ends bottom of the labia minora are usually joined across the middle line by a flap of skin, named the frenulum of labia minora. On the front, each lip forks dividing into two portions surrounding the clitoris. The upper part of each lip passes above the clitoris to meet the upper part of the other lip—which will often be a little larger or smaller—forming a fold which overhangs the glans clitoridis clitoral tip or head ; this fold is named the clitoral hood. The lower part passes beneath the glans clitoridis and becomes united to its under surface, forming, with the inner lip of the opposite side, the frenulum clitoridis. The clitoral hood, which is homologous to the foreskin of the penis in men and also termed, like the latter, by the Latin word prepuce , serves to cover most of the time the shaft and sometimes the glans which is very sensitive to the touch to protect the clitoris from mechanical irritation and from dryness.

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It surprised me as mine is petite and I would describe very much like a neat "slit", no lips showing, with a little of my clit good visible. However, talking with a doctor who specializes in vaginal health may help ease any concerns. There are several ways to improve body image, including familiarizing oneself with the possible variations in the shapes and sizes of vulvas. My feed I'm on I'm watching I started. We always love women who are body confident. Although this option is available, it is not necessary for most people. Similar to innie vaginas, no two outies are the same, and many variations are normal in appearance. I have an innie. I think this artists installation of vulva castings shows that variety is the spice of life. When to contact a doctor. People who feel uncomfortable about the appearance of their vulva may wish to look for ways to help improve their self-image. The National Vulvodynia Association defines the vulva as the outside of the female genitalia that helps protect the sexual organs, vagina, and urinary opening from infection.

With all the talk of women being shamed for their body hair, it's truly a gift when celebs actually get candid about their personal grooming rituals. Not just because we're unabashedly curious, but because we're baffled that the subject is still considered taboo. Here, we celebrate the stars who go on the record about their hair maintenance—from waxing tales to reclaiming the bush.

Start a new thread Flip thread Hide thread. Unhappy with appearance Contacting a doctor Summary The visible part of the vagina consists of the outer lips labia major and the inner lips labia minora. As others say just being granted permission to look is a huge privilege. I would have thought men being visual creatures would prefer an outie? Medical News Today. A doctor may be able to help a person find appropriate groups or therapies. When people refer to an innie or outie vagina, they are typically referring to the labia majora and labia minora. The distinction between the vagina and vulva is similar to that of the mouth and lips. Latest news Swapping meat for mushroom protein may be better for reducing cholesterol. I have to really open my legs wide to see the inside parts. Used to really not like it and tuck it away! An irritated vulva can happen for many reasons, ranging from a reaction to a new laundry detergent to long term infections. If large labia minora cause pain or discomfort during activities such as sex or sporting events, a person may want to talk about their options with a doctor. There will likely be as much variance in the appearance of vulvas in people of any ethnicity. Another option that may help a person feel more comfortable is to explore and become more familiar with their body.

3 thoughts on “Shaved innie

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