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All models were 18 years of age or older at the time of depiction.

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The organization obtained the written consent of the parents for their children to be photographed naked. The OIJ says there are at least 26 victims aged between 11 and All are between the ages of 25 and Chavarria said that the morning operation was in coordination with the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico, where five individuals were also arrested. Walter Espinoza, Director of the Organismo de Investigacion Judicial OIJ , explained that their investigation began in after a mother of a victim filed a complaint. At the casting call, the mother would be asked to wait in a separate room during the photoshoot. The OIJ chief continued, In order to achieve their goal, the suspects threatened the children with killing their mother, who was waiting in the other room. In Costa Rica, at least 26 minors were recorded and sexually abused. Chavarria said they have already been in contact with 4 victims.

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The images have no beginning and no end. As far back as I can remember, I see cameras, adults touching me, giving me something to drink. I see lingerie in miniature sizes. My earliest memories are of being forced to pose for child pornography, of being sexually abused. I grew up near a major interstate highway. My abuser would bring me to rest stops so truckers could rape me. He connected with them via CB radio, and would bring me in a van so the deed could be done right there along the highway, or pick up the trucker and drive them back to wherever I was waiting. I remember them, from when I was just six years old. There were photos and "parties," too. I was made to dress in lingerie and then brought to warehouses, where men would be gathered with cameras.

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