Seductive lesbian stories

Isabelle Parrier seemingly has everything, she is beautiful, has handsome boyfriend and is the most popular girl in her high school.

Jo and Jennie have been playing cat and mouse for ages now Jo being the cat she's out and proud with a crazy bunch of mates behind her, she's taken a shine to Jennie; feeling this game has been moving too slow she takes action, Jennie on the other h AN: helloooo! So hang tight! In the meantime…. I was currently lounging on my bed with Katy hovering over my radio trying to find a decent station while parroting retorts to me like I cared.

Seductive lesbian stories

Received an email from us, or wondering if something changed at Smashwords? Check our 'Site Updates' for the latest news. Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our FAQ? Ask it below. Hot summer of was coming to an end. Laura was a girl that lived in a Southern town; town so small that only a few years ago everyone met at the same movie theater and the local ice cream place housed every teacher, classmate and neighbor in the city. Laura had always been a bit on the shy side. In school she mostly kept to herself. She did have friends but it was mostly girls, the quiet and studious kind. And even among them she preferred to keep to herself after class, avoiding the boisterous parties and get togethers many others liked to attend.. George was a devout Catholic, unusual for a Southern town. And that may be just the thing that contributed to her shyness. Boys teased her for one reason or another, she was too shy to hang out with the girls and she spend her days at home playing with her dolls or reading.

I do not want to lose her taste just yet.

My other half has a job that takes him abroad for weeks at a time, which leaves me on my own for longer than I want to be; she was on her own, having dumped her man who was by all accounts useless. We were both in need of company, so we became easy and relaxed with one another, having a lot in common; being of similar age, and laughing at the same things. It became obvious very quickly that our friendship was developing into something else. She was lighting fires within me that had lain dormant for many years. The heat of girl love that had not warmed me since university. I thought all that was dead.

Cancel anytime. Can you just imagine experiencing another woman for the first time? Will it be sweet? Will it be sexy? Will it be exciting? Will it be hot? All of these possibilities are explored in this sexy collection featuring the fantasy in full force. You're just a click away from all the action and all you need to do is move your mouse. You can enjoy lesbian seduction fantasies in various forms in just a few seconds!

Seductive lesbian stories

Account Options Ieiet. Nancy Brockton. Lesbian Seduction…the very idea sends thrills of excitement through the body. In this scorching collection from bestselling erotica author Nancy Brockton, five beautiful women experience the thrill of a first lesbian sex encounter. They love being friends, and they tell each other everything.

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She licks and sucks, her mouth opening wide over me, playing with me. Is it? It feels so good, I instinctively squeeze my eyes shut to focus as much as I can on it. I feel her exhale, hot and damp, against my skin, and it makes me shiver. Now Emily had come into my life and shown me that it it was not. You buy me a drink for dragging your lame ass out of your apartment and providing you with an awesome Saturday night? I realise how much I have missed the taste of woman, and drowning in such a flow. Listen Now. She leans over, kisses my forehead. There was no question of me wanting another man, but there came the inevitable moment when our eyes held one another for an eternity, before our lips entwined in that first long, passionate kiss. I do, without question.

By JetBoy. First, thanks to you for being part of the Juicy Secrets universe. This little kingdom of ours is a true labor of love generously flavored with lust , and it gives us more pleasure that you can imagine to bring a touch of erotic spice to your lives.

She knows how to bring me off time and again. Briefest kiss on my lips. As if. You going to drink it or do I need to do that one too? You know where I want it, girl. I push back, scooting backwards across the bed to give her room, and she takes the cue, crawling up over me. Is it? Elisa forgot how to breathe for a couple of seconds. I feel her fingers undo the fastening on my skirt and slip it down, a skillful movement that gets rid of my panties at the same time as we slide from the couch to the floor. I do, without question. I want… Fuck… I want this to be so good for you. The heat of girl love that had not warmed me since university.

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