rwby cinder

Rwby cinder

Written by ReaverArklight.

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Rwby cinder

She is a member of Salem's Inner Circle and was the leader of her own faction. She is also the current Fall Maiden. Her machinations are the driving force behind the events of the first three volumes and cemented her as the primary antagonist of the Beacon Arc. She made her debut in the first episode of Volume 1 , " Ruby Rose ". Cinder used a special Grimm glove to steal half of the Fall Maiden's powers from Amber. During the Fall of Beacon , she gained the other half and killed Ozpin in battle. When Beacon fell, Ruby Rose unleashed the power of her Silver Eyes , putting Cinder into a state of near death and causing her to lose her left eye and part of her left arm. She had incredible difficulty speaking for a time, and her entire left arm was eventually replaced with a Shadow Hand. After narrowly surviving a defeat by Raven Branwen , Cinder allied herself with Neopolitan , one of her former associates, in order to eliminate their shared enemy against the orders of Salem. She later succeeded in getting the Relic of Knowledge thanks to Neo and returned to Salem on Monstra. Afterwards, she delivers both Relics to Salem. Cinder is a fair-skinned young woman with ashen-black hair that covers her left eye. She has bright amber eyes and is described to be very young. In " Black and White ", she wears lipstick and violet eyeshadow.

Despite no longer being under them, Cinder still retains several psychological scars from their abuse.

Growing up in an environment of violence prior to being taken to the Glass Unicorn, Cinder spent her early years as a malnourished slave while being forced to wear a shock collar, subjected to electric shocks as a form of discipline while barely supplementing her diet with scraps. In a desperate bid for freedom, Cinder stole a sword from the visiting Huntsman Rhodes, who sniffed her out and offered to train her in hopes of a future as a Huntress. Her health would greatly improve during her training with Rhodes, building up her athleticism with regular exercise and sparring sessions. Sometime afterwards, she was recruited by the immortal sorceress Salem, submitting herself in a bid for the power and agency she so desperately craved. During this time, Cinder was implanted by a parasitic Grimm beetle that allowed her to forcibly steal Maiden powers, though this implant would be her undoing at Beacon. The latter would be replaced by a prosthetic Shadow Hand that was likely an outgrowth of the parasite, a mixed blessing.

In her childhood, Cinder Fall lived in an orphanage [1] in Mistral , where she scrubbed floors and was bullied by the other children and was implied to have also been starved and overworked by her caretakers. There, Cinder was introduced to the Madame's two biological daughters. Once there, the Madame explained Cinder's new duties and work of cleaning the hotel and delivering food to the rooms and making her position and responsibilities as her "step-daughter" clear. Since then, both the Madame and her Two Daughters heavily mistreated, overworked and abused Cinder and forced her to singlehandedly do all the needed maintenance to keep the Glass Unicorn running. In order to keep her in line, the Madam would have Cinder wear a shock collar disguised as a necklace.

Rwby cinder

Cinder originally led a group of five individuals consisting of herself, Roman Torchwick , Emerald Sustrai , Mercury Black and Neopolitan. The ultimate goal of this group was to aid Cinder in completing Salem's orders as a part of her group. They were responsible for many crimes committed throughout Vale. The faction slowly dwindled following Roman's death at the hands of a Griffon and Mercury's promotion to Salem's Inner Circle , leaving the members down to Cinder, Emerald, and Neopolitan. Emerald later defected and Cinder betrayed Neo by pushing her into the void beneath the central location , leaving her without any minions to do her bidding. Based on her actions, it is shown that Cinder had no care for her minions, using them to further her goals as seen with Torchwick, Neo, and Emerald. Cinder is a member of Salem's group. She carries out the group's plan to destroy Beacon Academy , and she also greatly limits communication by destroying Beacon's Cross Continental Transmit System tower. In truth, Cinder has no real loyalty to the inner circle and only uses them to accomplish her own agenda of gaining the Maiden powers.

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Cinder is a highly skilled combatant in both unarmed combat and swordsmanship, being able to out-duel both Winter Schnee and Penny Polendina simultaneously in their battle, and later fend off the entirety of Team RWBY with casual ease in " Worthy ". And before Ruby and her teammates fell, they used the Lamp's final question. Given the loss of her left eye and scarring on the left side of her face, it's possible that Ruby's power damaged more of her left side. However, her hair falling across that side of her face makes it hard to see most of the time. Unfortunately, while her violent aggression made her more overtly destructive, her mounting emotional instability badly undercut her tactical awareness and ultimately reduced her as a combatant. She agrees to a deal with Raven to kill Qrow in exchange for her services because it will also allow her to get back at Ruby for maiming her, blowing off Watts's argument that doing so could jeopardize Salem's plans, and when Jaune damages her eyepatch, she flies into an Unstoppable Rage , rants at him for his audacity in thinking he could fight her, and when he says that the others' lives are more valuable than his own, she impales Weiss with a flaming javelin reminiscent of Pyrrha's just to spite and hurt him. She seeks power above all else and is unafraid to stand in the face of adversity to get it. She alternated between grounded postures and dynamic acrobatics when executing her style, able to do everything from maintaining midair duels with Raven Branwen and Penny Polendina to nimble fencing matches with the Schnee sisters. She can make extensive use of raw Dust without difficulty. BFS : Summons a large, fiery one around three times her height in her fight against Raven. I bet that was a mistake. She takes the credit right in front of Neo, whose muteness prevents her from objecting but who is visibly upset with Cinder's action. Most notable, giving Jaune, whom she dismissed as a "failure with a death wish" decades' worth of combat experience and mental maturity while regaining his youth and spirit in the end, but maintaining that experience. Her right ear has a new, ring-shaped earring higher up than the dangling black gem earring.

This is Thesecret

Villains Wiki. I bet that was a mistake. Token Flyer : As the only member of Salem's subordinates with the ability to use magic, Cinder is the only villain who shares with Salem the ability to fly. Cinder was also shown to have developed a genuine friendship with Rhodes, most likely due to his being the first person in her life to have treated her with kindness. Like hunger. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces. During her battle with Team RWBY in Volume 8, she begins to gloat about how she was able to distrupt their plans using the Lamp of Knowledge, however this serves as a distraction to allow Neo a chance to kill Ruby. When she tries the same tactic on Raven, by threatening her tribe's continued existence, Raven is unimpressed. For other uses of "Fall", see Fall. Is Serious Business : During the Volume 3 finale, Ruby unleashes an ability neither she nor Cinder ever expected to exist. It leaves her permanently scarred down the left side of her body, forcing her to wear a mask that hides the left side of her face and resulting in her replacing her left arm with that of a Grimm. Cinder refined this power during her time with Salem, displaying an impressive degree of fine control over the heat level to the point where she could casually pop a popcorn kernel in her hand. Manipulative Bitch : Owing to the faction she comes from, Cinder's talents extend beyond overwhelming power and into indirect control over other people via a silver tongue. As a result, she gains enormous power at the cost of becoming extremely vulnerable to Ruby's Silver Eye power, which exists to destroy Grimm.

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