russian tubes for sale

Russian tubes for sale

Extended life and improved mechanical construction. Matched to perfection within mA. Please enter qty for a matched pair, or qty 4 for a matched quad! Various brands Sovtek ,National, EH etc are available.

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Russian tubes for sale


Upgrade your guitar with Mojotone''s handwired pickups or pre-wired pickguards, high-grade capacitors for your Strat or Les Paul - or anything beyond that: pick-up switches, knobs, pots - or, for example, our Eric Clapton This means that the notepad remains available even over several browser sessions. Close filters Russian tubes for sale Matching Without Matching.


Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. I use these in my Ampeg Reverb Rocket Re-issue I love these in there. They sound awesome! Been using them for 10 years now.

Russian tubes for sale

Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. These are great sounding tubes with two T hole plates just like the desirable Sylvania bad boys. If you are looking for affordable vintage tone, look no further! Buy them from us, right here in the USA - No need to wait months buying overseas. Generic white boxes are included with these tubes. Checked for shorts and other faults as well.

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To be able to use Tube Amp Doctor in full range, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Only two pieces left, matched pair. Super Heavy Duty Russian made Sovtek WD The Sovtek brand of military grade vacuum tubes are made in Russia and considered to be among the finest currently available. Russian This is a suitable replacement for any tube type. Matching is done and labeled in mA according to quiescent current after 30 minutes of running time. Home Archives for Russian. Three-dimensionality, depth and scale, diversification. Top design and best quality to listen and enjoy! Loved and trusted by our technicians in our shop as well! The russian was born as 6P3S-E in the Saratov plant and was designed for the use in military vehicles and aircrafts.

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Plus all the sensational contact cleaners from Caig Chemicals. Google Analytics is used for traffic analysis of the website. Top seller. Get them while they last! Tubes, tubes, tubes! Follow Us. Russian 0a2. This is a suitable replacement for any EF86 tube type. In Stock. Google Analytics:.

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