

Log In Sign Up, rokurou. Rokurou do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 3 Next Last.

Despite having become a daemon , he continues to walk his own path. Rokurou is a part of the Rangetsu family from outside of the continent, signified by his unusual appearance and attire, alongside Ichiro Rangetsu , his firstborn brother. He is the sixth child, thus the name "Rokurou". Eventually, Ichiro killed their mother, and became the next Shigure of the Rangetsu clan. Due to how the heir inherits Stormhowl while the siblings get imitations, Rokurou owned a counterfeit Stormhowl, until Shigure broke it using the genuine sword.


He is a 22 year-old, free and happy-go-lucky young samurai, who is actually a Daemon. Being one of those affected by the daemonblight disease that transforms them into monsters, but still maintains his sense of reason. He later joins Velvet on her journey as a way for paying of his debt for telling him where to find the sword he wears on his back. Referring to it as "This sword is my life. Once a samurai of the renowned Rangetsu clan, Rokurou is now a daemon who retained his sense of reason, and accompanies Velvet in her journey in order to repay a debt to her. Despite carrying a longsword he claims to be his life on his back, he wields dual blades in battle. Rokurou has mid-length, spiky and black hair which covers the right portion of his face specifically to cover his right eye. His hair is tied into a low-ponytail and each strand of hair flicks out. The right side of his face is covered with markings that had appeared after the Scarlet Moon and continues lower down on his body. His attire consists of black legwarmers, pale-lilac samurai pants and woven robes. Another layer of a dark purple robe is worn over and tied around his waist.

He also noted that rokurou mother was very caring and that his family in general used to get along with each other, rokurou. Resulting in the man becoming a daemon because of the way he's been treated. Rokurou a dragon appears and attacks the docks, Rokurou shows up and fights it alongside Magilou.


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He is a 22 year-old, free and happy-go-lucky young samurai, who is an unusual hybrid of human and daemon. Being one of those who caught only a certain affected portion of the daemonblight disease that transforms them into monsters , but still maintains his human self, such as his sense of reason. He later joins Velvet on her journey as a way for paying of his debt to her for telling him where to find the sword he wears on his back. Referring to it as "This sword is my life.

Neltharions lair

This pride is actually not necessarily compatible with the duty of a samurai which is a notion that also evolved over time. He later joins Velvet on her journey as a way for paying of his debt for telling him where to find the sword he wears on his back. But it turned out it was just out of envy considering all the information we get from the game. How do you travel to past locations? And gameplay wise: Grow up. Shigure told Rokurou to get stronger before leaving. Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave. I hoped he would redeem himself, but that wasn't the case. Rokurou Rangetsu. I think that is the core of my disliking of the game and its narrative i think.

Despite having become a daemon , he continues to walk his own path. Rokurou is a part of the Rangetsu family from outside of the continent, signified by his unusual appearance and attire, alongside Ichiro Rangetsu , his firstborn brother.

Rokurou has mid-length, spiky and black hair which covers the right portion of his face specifically to cover his right eye. It is due to his arte setup in gameplay that Rokurou can be a very difficult character to use when faced off against any enemies resistant to non-elemental damage, as well as with large groups of enemies, giving him trouble due to his lack of decent area-of-effects. Illuminoius 5 years ago 8 the worst part of rokurou is that he sounds like he's talking through his nose. Rokurou has a knack for enjoying a good challenge, especially when it is one on one, and he will retaliate if anyone else interferes. Hell, he almost attacked Laphicet because he interfered in a fight. Rokurou mentioned that as a child, his parents very strict in teaching him the ways of the Rangetsu Style , a secret form of martial artes passed down exclusively by the Rangetsu family. Am I missing something? Crossover Title appearances. Artwork for Tales of Asteria. His hair is tied into a low-ponytail and each strand of hair flicks out. Koro-Pok-Guru 5 years ago 2. Well he's cursed. This pride is actually not necessarily compatible with the duty of a samurai which is a notion that also evolved over time.

3 thoughts on “Rokurou

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