road hypnosis meaning

Road hypnosis meaning

But what happened to those 22 miles?

Have you ever driven a car and reached your destination without any recollection of the journey? Well, that is because you experienced white-line fever or highway hypnosis. Highway hypnosis occurs when individuals zone out while driving a vehicle, often travelling a significant distance without recollecting it. Experiencing highway hypnosis can zone out drivers for hundreds of miles or short distances. To explain highway hypnosis meaning in a sentence — it is a condition when a driver experiences hypnotism while driving. Highway hypnosis or driving hypnosis is when the driver zones out while driving a vehicle without remembering what occurred in that specific period.

Road hypnosis meaning

Curated By: Buzz Staff. Local News Desk. You realise this hypnosis only when you come out of it. Imagine you are travelling on a highway, and you see a milestone. The milestone says that your destination is kilometres away. After some time, your attention shifts to another milestone, and you find that your destination is now only 80 km away. Suddenly you start wondering where the previous 20 kilometres went. What did you do while crossing that 20 km stretch? Neither you slept, nor did you meet with an accident. How did this happen? To put this whole thing in one phrase, it is called Highway Hypnosis.

According to Healthline, road hypnosis meaning, highway hypnosis occurs while driving on an empty stretch of road on the highway as your mind gets bored and while watching the road, stays in the same state for a long time. How Well Do You Sleep?

When autopilot kicks in or your highway exit seems to come too soon, you have probably experienced highway hypnosis , also known as white line fever. Highway hypnosis is defined as a trance-like state that drivers enter when driving for too long on an unchanging road or when navigation goes into auto-pilot. Highway hypnosis is often referred to as white line fever because the white line on the road can create a hypnotic effect, leading the driver into a state of operating in a subconscious manner. Many times, while in a state of highway hypnosis, drivers will arrive safely at a destination with no memory of using turn signals or brakes, or noticing road signs. The hypnosis can last different periods of time, from a couple of minutes to a night of driving. During road hypnosis, the brain is not fully aware or conscious of what is happening on the road. Reaction time is slowed, increasing the risk of an accident.

But what happened to those 22 miles? Did you use your turn signal? Stop at stop signs? Follow the speed limit? You have no idea. Both of these are examples of highway hypnosis, a phenomenon that causes you to go into a trance-like state while driving. The monotony of the road slows down your brain, leaving you less alert and functioning on autopilot. Other telltale signs include catching yourself drifting into the next lane or driving onto the rumble strip. Another person in the car with you might also notice you have a blank expression or glassy-eyed stare. Most existing research on highway hypnosis suggests monotony plays a significant part in this phenomenon.

Road hypnosis meaning

Highway hypnosis , also known as white line fever , is an altered mental state in which an automobile driver can travel lengthy distances, responding to external events in the expected, safe, and correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so. Highway hypnosis is a manifestation of the common process of automaticity. The concept was first described in a article that mentioned the phenomenon of "road hypnotism": driving in a trance-like state while gazing at a fixed point. A study, Sleeping with the Eyes Open by Walter Miles, also addressed the subject, suggesting that motorists could fall asleep with their eyes open and continue to steer. Williams in In highway hypnosis, one stream of consciousness drives the car while the other deals with other matters. Partial or complete amnesia related to the time spent driving under highway hypnosis can develop for the driver involved. This medical article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Contents move to sidebar hide.

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Highway hypnosis can happen to any driver. The wind in your face can work wonders when it comes to keeping you attentive and active. Lower the glass on the empty highway so that the fresh air keeps hitting your face. Accident Insurance. Consequences of Highway Hypnosis and Distracted Driving Distracted driving is a common element of auto collisions. How to handle it. Monotonous roads Existing research shows that redundancy plays a significant role in causing highway hypnosis. Avoid driving continuously and take breaks once every two hours. Fatigue can get worse if you continue driving. Local News Desk. When you come out of hypnosis during these conditions, you realize that you have missed a turn or are in another similar situation. If you start to notice the warning signs of highway hypnosis, try these tips to increase your alertness. In , drowsy driving resulted in deaths across the U. Grievance Redressal Policy General.

Highway hypnosis, also known as road hypnosis, is a trance-like state of mind experienced by drivers when they are behind the wheel.

A sudden emergency mixed with slow reaction time can result in a collision and have severe impacts. It is best to be in complete control while behind the driving seat. Travel Insurance Home Insurance. When embarking on a road trip, it's not always easy to find nutritious snacks, so you may want to bring your own. Semi-Truck Accidents vs. You can often experience symptoms of highway hypnosis seeping in, and you do not have a chance to stop for a tea or coffee break. Highway hypnosis or driving hypnosis is when the driver zones out while driving a vehicle without remembering what occurred in that specific period. Medically reviewed by Kendra Kubala, PsyD. Both of these are examples of highway hypnosis, a phenomenon that causes you to go into a trance-like state while driving. Domestic Travel Insurance.

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