Rhaegar targarye

Martin's writings. Anyone wishing to remain completely spoiler rhaegar targarye for this prequel series should avoid any pages displaying this tag. He was the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen and the husband of Elia Martellrhaegar targarye, with whom he had two children, Rhaenys and Aegon. He also fathered Jon Snow with Lyanna Starkwhom he secretly married following an annulment from Elia.

While a host of people want to meet Robert, he exchanges pleasantries with the Starks and asks to be taken down to the crypts to pay respects. The crypts house the tombs of Stark ancestors, and though traditionally it contained statues of the former Kings in the North and Lords of Winterfell, Ned had parted with tradition and had Lyanna entombed down there. There's a strong reason behind Ned's commemoration of Lyanna, in that, she'd died tragically in the birthing bed. She had also entrusted her newborn son, Aegon Targaryen to her big brother. A midwife hands Lyanna and Rhaegar's baby to Ned and to protect him from Robert's wrath, his uncle names him Jon and raises him as his bastard. Lyanna was a headstrong, assertive, and courageous woman. In the last moments before her death seen in Game of Thrones season 6, episode 10 "The Winds of Winter" she tells her brother that she wants to be brave and live.

Rhaegar targarye

In his youth, Rhaegar was known as a peculiarly bookish child, with a penchant for study and learning. Some knights of his father's court worried that he would turn out to be too much a scholar like his ancestor Daeron II. After discovering something in a book however, Rhaegar suddenly became obsessed with becoming a warrior, and trained obsessively until he was a highly regarded swordsman. Many throughout the kingdoms saw in him the Targaryen greatness of old, a welcome relief from Aerys' apparent insanity. However, Aerys believed this marriage to be beneath his son, and instead married Rhaegar to Elia Martell of Dorne, driving a wedge between House Targaryen and House Lannister. Rhaegar and Elia had two children together, a daughter named Rhaenys, and a son named Aegon. Despite these two children, Rhaegar and Elia's marriage would not last. During a tournament at Harrenhal, Rhaegar was crowned the champion. Customarily, he would have given the victor's wreath to his wife. However, in front of a crowd of hundreds, he presented the wreath to Lyanna Stark , naming her the tournament's "Queen of Love and Beauty. Some time later, both Rhaegar and Lyanna fled to Dorne. According to some, Rhaegar abducted and raped Lyanna.

Bran then finally recalls Jon's birth name, which Lyanna whispers to Ned Stark with her dying breath: "Aegon Targaryen.

Rhaegar had silver-gold hair and dark lilac eyes; he was considered to be tall and breathtakingly handsome. Cersei Lannister , who was infatuated with him, remembers Rhaegar as the most beautiful man she'd ever seen, as did Jon Connington though he believed that Elia Martell was an incompatible wife for the Prince of Dragonstone. In battle, Rhaegar wore resplendent night-black armour that was adorned with blood-red rubies, with dragon wings on his helm, and he wielded a sword. Rhaegar is often described as looking somewhat like his sister Daenerys. Rhaegar was frequently lamented to have the makings of a great king; he was nothing like his father. Rhaegar was very bookish in his youth, such that people jested that the Queen swallowed some books and a candle while he was in her womb.

Warning: This post contains spoilers for House of the Dragon. Which blonde dragon-rider will rule the Seven Kingdoms? That is the question at the heart of House of the Dragon , the Game of Thrones prequel that tells the story of how a civil war—often called the Dance of the Dragons—pitted Targaryen against Targaryen nearly years before the events of Thrones. The rules of succession in Westeros are complicated and a bit fungible. One king may decide to pass over a female heir in favor of a man, while another may upend that tradition, just one generation later. But by the second episode another potential heir emerges. In theory that baby could have a claim to the throne. Rhaenyra goes on to have her own children, who stand to inherit her claim. To understand the drama, you need a handle on the family relationships. But all those blondes can blend together.

Rhaegar targarye

Rhaegar had silver-gold hair and dark lilac eyes; he was considered to be tall and breathtakingly handsome. Cersei Lannister , who was infatuated with him, remembers Rhaegar as the most beautiful man she'd ever seen, as did Jon Connington though he believed that Elia Martell was an incompatible wife for the Prince of Dragonstone. In battle, Rhaegar wore resplendent night-black armour that was adorned with blood-red rubies, with dragon wings on his helm, and he wielded a sword. Rhaegar is often described as looking somewhat like his sister Daenerys. Rhaegar was frequently lamented to have the makings of a great king; he was nothing like his father. Rhaegar was very bookish in his youth, such that people jested that the Queen swallowed some books and a candle while he was in her womb. As a boy he was able to impress the maesters with his wit, and throughout his life he proved himself to be highly intelligent. Rhaegar was also considered to be a talented musician and great knight, but was also viewed as often melancholy by Ser Barristan and others - he became so melancholic that, when he sang his sorrows with a harp in his hand it reduced listeners to tears, even the wild Lyanna Stark.

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Bran then finally recalls Jon's birth name, which Lyanna whispers to Ned Stark with her dying breath: "Aegon Targaryen. At the beginning of Game of Thrones , Rhaegar is said to have abducted Lyanna, and this abduction is said to be the leading cause of Robert's Rebellion. Rhaegar, however, was apparently deeply troubled by the prospect of turning on his own father, and passed up multiple opportunities to do so - probably hoping, like the rest of the realm, that Aerys would just die of natural causes before the situation got so bad that he was forced to make such a harsh choice. Despite this, Rhaegar had been late into combat, and had only decided to take up swordsmanship at all when he read something that either scared or persuaded him to do so. Robert ultimately killed Rhaegar at the Trident by caving in his breastplate with a mighty blow from his war hammer. Elio and Linda pointed out that customs for bastardy and legitimization are somewhat different in Westeros from the real Middle Ages, in which the Church was more powerful than the Crown and had control over declaring a child legitimate. Blue as frost. In time, Aerys became physically abusive to Rhaella, and from her screams, it was an open secret in the Red Keep that he raped her on several occasions. Robert killed Rhaegar with a mighty blow from his war hammer, which caved in Rhaegar's breastplate. After winning the Tourney at Harrenhal, Rhaegar shockingly rode past his own wife Elia to present the victor's crown to Lyanna Stark instead. Meanwhile, Lannister soldiers gained entry into the Red Keep : Ser Gregor Clegane , known as "the Mountain that Rides", cornered Rhaegar's wife Elia and her two small children in the royal apartments. Ned couldn't beat Dayne in one-on-one combat, and it was Howland who stabbed him in the back.

Martin's writings. Anyone wishing to remain completely spoiler free for this prequel series should avoid any pages displaying this tag.

Many assumed that in reward for Tywin's long and distinguished service as Aerys's chief advisor, the bond between the Targaryens and Lannisters would eventually be solidified with a marriage-alliance between Prince Rhaegar and Tywin's daughter Cersei particularly, Cersei herself, who for a time was quite infatuated with Rhaegar. It is said that with his harp and singing, pouring out his internal anguish, he could bring entire rooms of people to tears - even the wild she-wolf Lyanna Stark. Barristan Selmy : " Viserys never told you? Around the same time, Daenerys visits her imprisoned dragons, calling Rhaegal , the dragon she had named after her brother, by name. Rhaegar was nonetheless a very skilled knight, and was capable of unhorsing even Barristan himself in the joust. What could possibly have motivated Rhaegar to not only elope with Lyanna, but fight a war to keep their marriage a secret, remains unknown. However, a volume in the Citadel library reveals that Rhaegar's marriage was actually annulled, and he and Lyanna were married in secret. Jon and Daenerys stand near Lyanna's statue in the Crypts of Winterfell. Sorrow was never far behind him, and he frequently brooded alone on the grief in his heart. Others counter that Daemon was already married so this doesn't make sense, and his wife had produced seven sons and a number of daughters for him.

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