repsol buscador lubricantes

Repsol buscador lubricantes

It combines a new and exclusive formula of the best, cutting-edge additives along with highly-refined bases, which give the resulting oil a substantial margin of repsol buscador lubricantes given the high levels of stress to which the lubricant has been submitted in the latest engines and even in future diesel engine developments.

Lubrificantes indicados para:. Bienvenido a Repsol. Completa tu perfil para acceder al nuevo registro de Repsol: Este campo es obligatorio Registrarme y aceptar las condiciones Condiciones de servicio. Lubrificantes Repsol Produtos. Campo de pesquisa por produto. Encontre o lubrificante de que o seu motor precisa.

Repsol buscador lubricantes

It combines a new and exclusive formula of the best, cutting-edge additives along with highly-refined bases, which give the resulting oil a substantial margin of performance given the high levels of stress to which the lubricant has been submitted in the latest engines and even in future diesel engine developments. Marine lubricants specially formulated for the lubrication of high and medium-speed diesel engines. They are specially suited for:. It combines an exclusive and novel formulation of the best and latest in additive technology along with highly-refined bases, to provide the final oil with a substantial performance margin, given the high levels of stress to which the lubricant is subjected in latest-generation engines and even in the future development of diesel engines. Bienvenido a Repsol. Completa tu perfil para acceder al nuevo registro de Repsol: Este campo es obligatorio Registrarme y aceptar las condiciones Condiciones de servicio. Repsol Lubricants Products. Search engine by vehicle. Find the lubricant your engine needs. Search by product Search by license plate number Search by vehicle. Nueva busqueda. Filtros: Lubricantes y aceites. Tipo de vehiculo.

Utilizam-se, por ordem crescente de viscosidade, para vapor saturado, sobreaquecido e com alto grau de sobreaquecimento. API SL. Bienvenido a Repsol.


Encuentra el lubricante perfecto para tus necesidades. Gama de lubricantes para motores de 4T de tronco desarrollado para uso tanto en motores marinos como estacionarios de media velocidad que utilizan combustibles residuales. Intenta probar de nuevo utilizando otros filtros. Su eficacia ha sido probada en miles de motores de muy diversos tipos operando en todas las condiciones. Bienvenido a Repsol.

Repsol buscador lubricantes

It combines a new and exclusive formula of the best, cutting-edge additives along with highly-refined bases, which give the resulting oil a substantial margin of performance given the high levels of stress to which the lubricant has been submitted in the latest engines and even in future diesel engine developments. Marine lubricants specially formulated for the lubrication of high and medium-speed diesel engines. They are specially suited for:. It combines an exclusive and novel formulation of the best and latest in additive technology along with highly-refined bases, to provide the final oil with a substantial performance margin, given the high levels of stress to which the lubricant is subjected in latest-generation engines and even in the future development of diesel engines. Bienvenido a Repsol. Completa tu perfil para acceder al nuevo registro de Repsol: Este campo es obligatorio Registrarme y aceptar las condiciones Condiciones de servicio. Repsol Lubricants Products. Search engine by vehicle. Find the lubricant your engine needs. Search by product Search by license plate number Search by vehicle.

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NLGI 3. It combines an exclusive and novel formulation of the best and latest in additive technology along with highly-refined bases, to provide the final oil with a substantial performance margin, given the high levels of stress to which the lubricant is subjected in latest-generation engines and even in the future development of diesel engines. Es compatible con sistemas auxiliares como el catalizador. It is formulated with carefully selected and specially treated paraffinic bases that provide the product a high viscosity index, good resistance to oxidation and excellent demulsibility. Este tipo de aceite se utiliza con piezas de acero al carbono o poco aleadas. Download our lubricant catalogs. Find the lubricant your engine needs. Se puede emplear en todo tipo de pinturas, metalizadas, de acero inoxidable y cromadas. NLGI 2. Marine lubricants specially formulated for the lubrication of high and medium-speed diesel engines. They are specially suited for:. Lubrificantes Repsol Produtos.


It is formulated with carefully selected and specially treated paraffinic bases that provide the product a high viscosity index, good resistance to oxidation and excellent demulsibility. NLGI 3. SAE 75W SAE 0W See all catalogs. SAE 15W Aceite lubricante monogrado elaborado a partir de bases muy refinadas. ISO VG 5. SAE 20W Search by license plate number. Bienvenido a Repsol.

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