Relatos de madres y hijos
A Chilean feminist, activist, and lesbian mother, Romo-Carmona has produced a groundbreaking collection of interviews to dispel the silence about homosexuality in Latino communities.
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Relatos de madres y hijos
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Estaba equivocado. Ajustados, acogotados, a punto de estallar. Mi madre aprovechando mi dolor. Recolectando objetos sin parar. Estaba a gatas. Mi voz se fue acrecentando. El rebote del agua contra los canales de cemento distorsionaba de manera rotunda las palabras que le iba dirigiendo. En la puerta de salida me esperaba mi madre. Llevaba casi siempre consigo los objetos recolectados durante la jornada.
Relatos de madres y hijos
Se trata de un amor intenso, directo, tierno, puro, sin ambivalencias. Que Ana M. Casi todos son recuerdos encubridores del nacimiento del amor por la escritura. En el relato de Luisa Castro la ventana tiene otro significado. No queda duda de que hay mucho bueno entre lo que ha recibido.
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View all copies of this ISBN edition:. Open Ebook - pages - An Honduran mother joins her twin daughters at gay youth events; one is a lesbian and the other is bisexual. Convert currency. Conversaciones is an extremely important book for all Latin American and Spanish-speaking communities. Book Description Paperback. Sign Up. Conversaciones: Relatos por padres y madres de hijas lesbianas y hijos gay Published by Cleis Press Seller Rating:. A Honduran mother is more concerned with her daughter's depression than her sexuality, and a Puerto Rican lesbian mourns her gay son, who died of AIDS, leaving her with his informally chosen family. Ganz, author of the newsletter Unpopular Front, debuts with a lucid and propulsive narrative of the failed right-wing populism at the fringe of the U.
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Book Description Paperback. The mother of a Mexican activist remembers her family's love for her son, who passed away after living with AIDS for ten years A Chilean feminist, activist, and lesbian mother, Romo-Carmona has produced a groundbreaking collection of interviews to dispel the silence about homosexuality in Latino communities. Convert currency. In several cases, daughters and sons respond to their parents, creating an insightful dialog for readers. Fast Shipping and good customer service. New Paperback Quantity: 1. A Puerto Rican mother praises and supports her son, a respected police officer. Seller Inventory think An Honduran mother joins her twin daughters at gay youth events; one is a lesbian and the other is bisexual.
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