regular show margaret hot

Regular show margaret hot

Margaret Smithis a recurring character in Regular Show. She is the daughter of Frank Smith and Denise Smith who worked at the Coffee Shop with Regular show margaret hot for the first four seasons until she transferred colleges, got her journalism degree, and became a newswoman shortly before " Eileen Flat Screen " in Season Six.

Margaret made her debut in the Season 1 episode "Caffeinated Concert Tickets". She formerly worked as a waitress at a Coffee Shop with her best friend Eileen, across the street from The Park. Mordecai had a huge crush on her, and frequently found excuses to go to the coffee shop to see her. Margaret seemed to have a crush on Mordecai too, which was proven in "Bad Kiss" were after seeing a movie with Rigby and Eileen and returning to the house for a drink Mordecai leaves his wallet in her car and when she goes to help him and they get close Mordecai gets nervous, Margaret leans in and then so does Mordecai, then the both kiss but Margaret pulls away because Mordecai's breath stunk from eating a chili dog earlier. After being absent since the Season 5 premiere "Laundry Woes," while attending college, Margaret re-appeared in "Eileen Flat Screen," having become a TV reporter, and moved back to town.

Regular show margaret hot


Margaret says she's sorry about the incident but says she doesn't want to get involved with CJ. They also work at the coffee shop together. In "th Chopper Flight Party", Mordecai is regular show margaret hot awkward with her presence and afraid to screw up, even to the point of letting Rigby constantly mess up the Party as a diversion just to keep her away from him.


Margaret Smith 's different outfits throughout the series. Regular Show Wiki Explore. Margaret CJ Thomas Mr. Ross Natalia Quillgin Huge Head. Explore Wikis Community Central.

Regular show margaret hot

You can help clean up this page by correcting spelling and grammar, removing factual errors and rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise, and moving some elements when appropriate. It first aired on October 11, Mordecai and Rigby must travel into the park's meat locker to find a pack of hot dogs after accidentally destroying a pack that Benson bought. The annual park barbecue has come, and Benson is very excited. Pops baked some pies and Skips made chili, and Benson ordered some premium hot dogs from the internet. He tells Rigby not to grill them yet, but Rigby lies to Mordecai telling him that they could grill the hot dogs.

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Margaret also spends Christmas with her parents, as shown in " The Christmas Special ". He currently works as a traffic reporter for the local news and flies in a helicopter called Chopper 6. John is Margaret's cousin. Margaret and Eileen are best friends in the same way that Mordecai and Rigby are. Mordecai had a huge crush on her, and frequently found excuses to go to the coffee shop to see her. It is revealed that if and when Mordecai and Margaret get together, they will get married, have children, and buy their own houseboat, and die peacefully after 50 happy years. Realizing she has moved on, Mordecai does the same and discards the sweater, ready to move on, and leaves without noticing that Margaret did look up. When CJ sees both Mordecai and Margaret board Chopper 6, laughing and having fun, she gets the wrong impression and she enrages into her storm cloud. Current Wiki. In the end of "Steak Me Amadeus", Mordecai asks Margaret to be his girlfriend, but Margaret tells him that she has been accepted into her dream college, Milten University.

Margaret Smith , is a recurring character in Regular Show. She is the daughter of Frank Smith and Denise Smith who worked at the Coffee Shop with Eileen for the first four seasons until she transferred colleges, got her journalism degree, and became a newswoman shortly before " Eileen Flat Screen " in Season Six.

For a list of Margaret's appearances, click here. He is an orange bird, thought to be an Oriole, though this is unconfirmed. Margaret shows in " Sad Sax " and in " Merry Christmas Mordecai " that she is sorry about what happened and for the trouble she caused. In "Picking Up Margaret", Margaret said herself that she can always trust him, and that he is always there for her, something she can't say about her other friends. The two started interacting with each other in The Longest Weekend, and they seem to be good friends. She dated him for his beautiful singing voice and he even made a reserve at a lounge. Mordecai and Margaret are then shown holding hands. She also wore a white dress in "Do or Diaper" that was very similar to actress Marilyn Monroe's iconic white dress. Shortly after, Mordecai and Margaret share a friendly hug. As a waitress, she uses the same uniform as Eileen; which consists of a light yellow apron with clear turquoise lines on the sleeves and neck. She forgives him after he admits that he likes her, but chooses to let him lose the bet as consequence for accepting such a dumb bet by whispering in his ear: "Have a nice week, diaper boy. As a news reporter, she wears a blue suit, occasionally with a purple skirt in place of blue pants, with either a red tie or a pink neck scarf. They accidentally kiss in the lips from reminiscing after clearing up a misunderstanding, causing a heartbroken CJ to dash back into the car and for Mordecai and Margaret to gaze at each other in a concerned look. In " Merry Christmas Mordecai ", Margaret returns as she is invited to the sweater party, which makes Mordecai nervous since CJ is also coming to the party.

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