Reddit wtf

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Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy. Just sign up on one site, and you'll be able to join and interact with communities on any other Lemmy site. Choosing which Lemmy site to sign up to is a bit like choosing your email provider - e. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the ' fediverse '. Just choose a popular and reputable one like lemmy. Note 2 : You can use lemmyverse.

Reddit wtf


Joined November


There's no way to know what's really going on in these images. They're weird, confusing, and honestly enough to make you say "WTF? As you scroll through these images, it'll be obvious why they were sorted into this sub. There's just no explanation given, no reason to wrap your mind around the things you're about to see. From phenomena found in nature to some really weird signs, we have no answers to give you and we can't believe how strange the world gets. And that's totally okay, since unexplainable content seems to be the new form of humor. You'll either love or hate these pictures, but either way, you won't know how to mentally process them.

Reddit wtf

Some pictures are better left unexplained. Honestly, even if we tried to explain what happened here, we couldn't figure it out. Fortunately, these pictures all have as little context as possible, since confusion is often more fun than knowing the real stories. Now, we can make up our own origins to these very strange images, because that way, at least we can try to rationalize these somehow, because we're not sure that the real explanation is any more reasonable than the nonsense we can come up with.

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Reddit is doing a twitter. Just choose a popular and reputable one like lemmy. Forums Other Off-Topic. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the ' fediverse '. For example, if you're signed up to lemmy. Joined March Topic Starter. Joined June Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy. Note 3 : Lemmy is based on the same technology as Mastodon. Note 2 : You can use lemmyverse. Don't have an account? If you've signed up to lemmy. Joined January

The website Reddit is home to some truly noteworthy communities, and one of the most popular is home to extremely weird and puzzling imagery — the place you go to have your perception of reality crushed. This subreddit has nearly seven million members who love to watch the world fall apart around us. From cursed images to awful DIY fails , there's no shortage of confusing, out-of-context images that leave the online community stumbling for an answer to.

You can still call me eblf and I still prefer to be called that Numbers. Both services "speak the same language" that language is called 'ActivityPub' , so you can view and interact with Mastodon content from Lemmy, and vice versa. Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy. Just choose a popular and reputable one like lemmy. Note 2 : You can use lemmyverse. Joined December Sign In To Proceed. Corne2Plum3 wrote: Cerno wrote: genuinely dunno why people are making it seem like the official app is ass, been using it for years Laggy, full of ads, video not always working, UX getting worse, etc. Sign in. Joined June I don't earn any money from this site, and if my calculations are correct it'd cost me a couple thousand dollars per month with their new API pricing, so yeah. Joined April I've forgotten my details. A score of 1 means that users of the inputted subreddit are no more likely to frequent that subreddit than the average reddit user. Joined August

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