real spanking stories

Real spanking stories

I hope you enjoy!! Gina was in her junior year of college and living with her Aunt Judy, real spanking stories, whose house was conveniently close to campus. Thanks again for your contribution!!

The majority of my stories on this blog are works of fiction. To read my fictional stories, please see my Stories Index. If you want more stories, please consider subscribing to my Patreon. I also have a Patreon Stories Index. However, I have also written a few true stories. About me.

Real spanking stories

Erotica author and researcher Gabriella Luciano interviewed hundreds of women about their experiences getting spanked by men. From those, she distilled this handpicked assortment of the most vivid, extraordinary and extreme stories. From a kinky affair with a demanding professor, to a bratty executive looking for rough love, to a strict Colombian step-father, to the extremes of domestic discipline, to a raw fling on the dark streets of New York, to spanking addictions of young women looking for love, these candid stories reveal the complex feelings behind the overpowering desire to be spanked. Author's Note: The act of spanking is tied up in so many emotional, psychological and physical dimensions that it is impossible to distill the whole world of getting a good ass smacking into simple statements. Yet, it is possible to take the broad array of women who have either gotten disciplined in a very memorable way in the past, or simply love to get their butts spanked a deep shade of red during sexual play in the present, and let them speak for themselves. For a number of years, as part of a post-graduate level research study into spanking and its effects, I got the chance to speak intimately with women who either were at the receiving end of unforgettable spankings or badly craved to be spanked as part of a deeper need to be desired in a very physical way by men. Although I could not publish these confessions in a formal academic study or research journal, the emotional truth and sexual honesty of these women, I felt, needed to be shown the light of day. The women agreed to tell me their stories and desires in intimate detail as long as I kept their identities anonymous. I talked to hundreds and hundreds of women from across the country who I had met through friends, research connections, colleagues, online dating sites, in spanking fetish forums, via personal ads and even in person at bars and parties. The stories collected here are chosen from the vast array of confessions due to their unique qualities.

The time to walk out of the living room, past you, real spanking stories, opening the heavy office door and beckoning you to follow me inside. Especially if it was a big thick heavy one. Charmed them.

Spanking Stories: Your stories of spankings received, administered, witnessed, assisted or overheard are all welcome and may include:. Discipline Articles: Your discipline articles are also welcome and include:. Encouragement: Please do not be concerned about your writing skills nor even English language proficiency. Your story or article are most welcome. Spanking Life. Home Page.

Marrianne was scraping the remnants of a good breakfast off the plates and into our garbage container when she made that comment. The tomato, bacon and cheese omelet I made for us turned into a cold lump in my stomach. Besides, it has been almost a month, and a little reminder now and then is always a good idea. Oh no, when Doris reminded you, it left an impression that would last for a good long time. Doris enjoys her work; she puts everything she has into it, and everything she has is more than enough for me… way more.

Real spanking stories

Account Options Ieiet. Sasha Cave. A unique collection of over 44 true spanking accounts. In over 88, words, dozens of people reveal their experiences and feelings.

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Could there be a breach in the neighborhood code-of-silence? I have always tended to more heavily feature females on the receiving end, but have received requests to include more stories with men or boys on the receiving end. The stories collected here are chosen from the vast array of confessions due to their unique qualities. Leaving a mess wherever I went, being surly, talking back. Want to promote your book? Your punishment now complete, your offences forgotten. Spanking at university : 0. I know that if lived with a man who would enforce chastity on me I would be happier. X Are you the publisher? Her newest work is forthcoming in the St. One particular day, at the end of the last lesson My tutor was, however,

Her sock-clad toes scrunched against the hardwood floors and grazed the baseboards of the two adjoining walls.

Joey had chanced upon a highly coveted Ringo bubblegum card a few weeks earlier, in his candy haul from the dime store. The past four or five years, I've been exclusively visiting a self-described 'maternal disciplinarian. A story about myself 3rd person and a dynamic I was in at the time that lasted around 7 months. I've always wished that it did though. I'd actually provoke my dad until he'd give me a "licking. So my need never was filled. Jonah the Dove. This is probably a more rare occurrence these days, but when Simon… Continue reading Babysitter Spankings: Peggy Parker. The Mariposa Academy. We had a lot of fun with my bottom, but I ultimately found myself longing for harder paddlings than she was comfortable giving me.

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