Random steven universe character generator

Steven Universe character Spin the wheel, Steven Universe is an animated television show that airs on Cartoon Network. The show follows the adventures of Steven, a random steven universe character generator boy who is the last known member of the Crystal Gems, a team of magical beings who protect humanity. The show also features a cast of other characters, including the Crystal Gems Garnet, Amethyst, and PearlSteven's human family his father Greg and his mother Rose, who was a Crystal Gemand other supporting characters.

Care Bear. Monster High Avatar. Neptune's Daughter. Power Princess. Star Wars Style.

Random steven universe character generator

I came up with this and decided to put it together. It will randomly pick a gemsona just for you. There are 75 possible gems, 25 positions, 30 weapons, and 25 personality traits. You are free to use this for rp or art or anything you want. Everything is in gifs. Stop the gif at any point by taking a screenshot. Screencap on iPhone by pressing top and bottom buttons at the same time. I don't know other phones. I really hope this gets out there because I like to think it would be a useful tool, especially if you're roleplaying and you need a filler character real quick. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Thank you all so much for the love and support!

This is good for people who don't want to put much effort into their OC, but I prefer the version of my gemsona that required lots of thought instead of picking traits at random. Power Princess. Gem placement: Covers whole face but is connected just on th forehead, so she can lift the gem mask.

Use This website [ [1] ] to determine each quality. Copy all the choices of a single parameter into the box and it will randomly choose a name for you. This is good for people who don't want to put much effort into their OC, but I prefer the version of my gemsona that required lots of thought instead of picking traits at random. Gem placement: Covers whole face but is connected just on th forehead, so she can lift the gem mask. Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account?

Steven Universe character Spin the wheel, Steven Universe is an animated television show that airs on Cartoon Network. The show follows the adventures of Steven, a young boy who is the last known member of the Crystal Gems, a team of magical beings who protect humanity. The show also features a cast of other characters, including the Crystal Gems Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl , Steven's human family his father Greg and his mother Rose, who was a Crystal Gem , and other supporting characters. Some of the more prominent characters in the show include:. Steven Universe: The main character of the show, Steven is a kind and adventurous young boy who is learning to use his Gem powers and help the Crystal Gems protect humanity. Garnet: A Crystal Gem who is made up of two Gems fused together, Garnet is a strong and confident leader who is dedicated to protecting the world. Amethyst: A mischievous and energetic Gem who was made on Earth, Amethyst is a skilled fighter and has a close relationship with Steven. Pearl: A Gem who is highly intelligent and disciplined, Pearl is a strategist and serves as a mentor to Steven. Greg Universe: Steven's father and a musician, Greg is a kind and supportive presence in Steven's life.

Random steven universe character generator

Sailor Senshi 3. Sailor Moon Character Creator. Anime Girl. Regency Scenery. Ocean Fashion. Firebender Zuko. Car Breeder. Shirley's Vintage Wedding.

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Privacy Policy. Dragon Game. Rose Quartz: Steven's mother and a former Crystal Gem, Rose is a legendary figure in the show and is revered for her bravery and selflessness. Use this character generator to design your own Crystal Gem character, customizing every aspect of her body, face and hair. Makin' for my newest OC Add those final custom touches with drag and drop capability and brush mode. Get App. If you have any suggestions, message me. Journal names Journal names to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list. Waifu tmt Waifu tmt to Spin the wheel, "Waifu" is a term that is used to describe a fictional character that a person is attracted to and considers their spouse or romantic partner. Star Wars Style.


The show follows the adventures of Steven, a young boy who is the last known member of the Crystal Gems, a team of magical beings who protect humanity. Barbie's Malibu friends. Turn it into this Turn it into this to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list. Place your gemsona in beautiful Steven Universe environments. Screenshot by pressing top and bottom buttons at the same time on your phone. Manual of Style. Bleach charecters Bleach charecters to Spin the wheel, that you can use to pick a random item from the list. She's also introverted. Which color schemes would they have? Drag Queen Get Ready!

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