

Generating name objects NameObject without a leading slash is considered deprecated now. Previously, just a plain warning would be logged, leading to possibly invalid PDF files. According to our deprecation policy, pypdf, this will log a DeprecationWarning for now, pypdf. A big pypdf you!

Released: Mar 3, View statistics for this project via Libraries. Provides-Extra: crypto , dev , docs , full , image. It can also add custom data, viewing options, and passwords to PDF files. NOTE : pypdf 3. Please refer to the migration guide for more information.



Maintaining pypdf is a collaborative effort.


Looking to extract data from documents? Try Nanonets OCR software. Extract data from receipts, bills, PDF documents, and more on autopilot. No Credit Card. Forever Free plans. It can be an ebook, digitally signed agreements, password-protected documents, or scanned documents like passports. This shows the enormous amount of data stored within these file types, which are generally difficult to edit or modify. Here are some common Python PDF libraries:.


Generating name objects NameObject without a leading slash is considered deprecated now. Previously, just a plain warning would be logged, leading to possibly invalid PDF files. According to our deprecation policy, this will log a DeprecationWarning for now.

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Feb 18, Jan 18, Close Hashes for pypdf Jul 23, Warning Some features may not work without JavaScript. Adding unit tests for new features or test cases for bugs you've fixed help us to ensure that the Pull Request PR is fine. Supported by. Version 3. Oct 10, The experience pypdf users have covers the whole range from beginners who want to make their live easier to experts who developed software before PDF existed.

It can also add custom data, viewing options, and passwords to PDF files.

Feb 26, Jun 27, It can also add custom data, viewing options, and passwords to PDF files. Jan 27, Jul 29, A good bug ticket includes a MCVE - a minimal complete verifiable example. Dec 23, Supported by. Oct 29, Jun 18, Generating name objects NameObject without a leading slash is considered deprecated now.

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