prince rupert cinema

Prince rupert cinema

Previously operated by: Famous Players. The other Famous Players theatre in town was the Capitol Theatre. The building was still standing in a derelict state in

Previously operated by: Famous Players. Firms: W. Styles: Spanish Colonial. Opened and closed in , the Capitol Theatre was operated by Famous Players. It has been renovated for retail use. According to this the architects were W. Dodd and Company and that it was in Spanish Colonial style suggesting that this cinema was an atmospheric.

Prince rupert cinema


According to this the architects were W. Hi all, I am new to the site and looking for help.


It's getting old quick. The screens are not too big. Seats are old and broken. A lot of complaints dealing with bedbugs. The lady who runs it always chooses children's movies over adult ones. Most good movies that come out never reaches rupert. If she does show it here. That movie is already out on bluray. This movie theater needs a complete makeover. New manager since this lady chooses a children audience.

Prince rupert cinema

As the days get shorter and the crisp autumn air sets in, Prince Rupert still offers a wide variety of fall activities perfect for families and adults alike. Kick off your fall festivities at the Yaga Pumpkin Party. Located in the picturesque Seal Cove, this event promises a fantastic family-friendly experience.

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WayneGray on March 24, at pm I worked at the Capitol Theatre from to as a doorman and usher. Contributed by Graeme McBain. ScreenClassic on January 12, at pm According to the link below showing a recent Google Street view as of September , the Totem Theatre building is still standing but has long since been boarded up and allowed to deteriorate. I am a researcher on a book dealing with cinema in British Columbia. I am a researcher on a book dealing with cinema in British Columbia. It was originally a live theatre. The building still stands but has been converted to retail space, which I suppose is better that becoming yet another church. According to this the architects were W. It was also a Famous Players theatre throughout its existence as noted in the article above and opened on April 12, Recent comments view all 4 comments. You must login before making a comment.

Prince Rupert is a port city in the province of British Columbia , Canada.

Firms: W. Jake Bottero on October 27, at am The building still stands but has been converted to retail space, which I suppose is better that becoming yet another church. It has been renovated for retail use. The actual number of seats were This would include rented films, documentaries from libraries, as well as local theatres or film study groups. Anyone interested can contact me at Thanks for sharing your love of movies! Any information you would like to share would be most welcome. In the basement, there were large storage rooms for props and costumes. I am a researcher on a book dealing with cinema in British Columbia. Dodd and Company and that it was in Spanish Colonial style suggesting that this cinema was an atmospheric.

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