praying the rosary on youtube

Praying the rosary on youtube

The Power of Praying the Rosary. Praying the Hail Mary Well.

Wanting to learn more about the Rosary? To go deeper in your understanding? To learn to pray the Rosary more often? Or just looking to have a video to along-side pray with? I've put together a list of the best Rosary Prayer videos from Youtube that help explain what the Rosary is, how to pray it, and tools to help you pray the Holy Rosary more often. Check out some more tips on how to pray the Rosary every day here. Father Michael shares a personable overview of what the Rosary is, where it came from, and what the purpose of the holy prayer is.

Praying the rosary on youtube


I've put together a list of the best Rosary Prayer videos from Youtube that help explain what the Rosary is, how to pray it, and tools to help you pray the Holy Rosary more often.


The Rosary is a Scripture-based prayer. It begins with the Apostles' Creed , which summarizes the great mysteries of the Catholic faith. The Our Father, which introduces each mystery, is from the Gospels. The first part of the Hail Mary is the angel's words announcing Christ's birth and Elizabeth's greeting to Mary. Pius V officially added the second part of the Hail Mary.

Praying the rosary on youtube

He taught it to a Polish nun, Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska pictured at left in , in one of His many private revelations to her. Jesus conveyed to her our need to ask for His mercy, to be merciful ourselves, and to trust in Him completely. Mercy is a key part of the love that He has for us and wants us to show each other. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is simpler to memorize than it looks at first glance! The opening and closing prayers, while desirable, are optional. You can pray it using rosary beads as follows:. First, make the sign of the cross.

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Check out some more tips on how to pray the Rosary every day here. The Father uses very vivid stories to explain that the Rosary is not simply a set of beads, but a Christian sword. Read more. To learn to pray the Rosary more often? Send me a message an email at: brennan everydayprayerco. Since most of the videos on this list are of men, I thought this was a great video for young women wanting someone to pray with. Keep Praying! Discover beautiful music from the CFRs here. Robert Spitzer as In the first of a couple of videos from Ascension Presents on this list I love the content Ascension Presents is creating , Catholic Speaker Matt Fradd talks about his own personal discovery of the Rosary, and how it has become a powerful part of his prayer life.


This is a good video to understand the 'mechanics' of the Rosary: what prayer to pray on what bead. Or just looking to have a video to along-side pray with? Since most of the videos on this list are of men, I thought this was a great video for young women wanting someone to pray with. The Father uses very vivid stories to explain that the Rosary is not simply a set of beads, but a Christian sword. Will I pray or serve or say yes to Him as long as I understand why He is asking? Praying the Hail Mary Well. Get inspired by our daily Rosary quotes: Instagram. I haven't found a video that illustrates the power of the Rosary Prayer as well as Father Calloway does in this address at the University of Steubenville Students. Check out some more tips on how to pray the Rosary every day here. She's also uploaded videos for the other mysteries of the Rosary as well. Deacon Keith Fournier does a wonderful job explaining each of the prayers as he walks through the mechanics.

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