Postal code portland

Can't find the postcode as this location may have multiple postcodes.

To determine a specific one, enter an address. Together, these cover a total of A full list of ZIP Codes is below, including type, population and aliases for each. Population Density is 3, Average Household Size is 2. More Demographics are available below, including charts showing racial comparison, gender breakdown, population over time, average income, average house value, income over time, and more.

Postal code portland


Included are U. No Rent: Gross rent is the monthly rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities electricity, gas, water and sewer and fuels oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.


To determine a specific one, enter an address. Together, these cover a total of A full list of ZIP Codes is below, including type, population and aliases for each. Population Density is 3, Average Household Size is 2. More Demographics are available below, including charts showing racial comparison, gender breakdown, population over time, average income, average house value, income over time, and more.

Postal code portland

Our JavaScript-based maps are zoomable, clickable, responsive, and easy to customize using our online tool. Easily add labels, change zip code colors, or add location markers. Your map purchase includes the GIS source files for the zip boundaries in both Shapefile. This allows you extend our JavaScript map in new ways or even use our source data for original creations of your own.


Address Autocomplete. Population Density is 3, Census Place and is not an estimate or future projection. Other: The number of individuals who selected Other as their race on the Census. Private Insurance: Census Estimate of the Civilian non-institutionalized people with private health insurance for this U. Black: The number of individuals who selected Black as their race is an exact count from the Census for this geographic area. Source: U. Bulk and API address validation options available. Please note that not all areas in the U. This reflects the exact count of this area at that point in time, not future estimates, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. This information is important for healthcare planning, policy making, social research, and economic planning and development. Gain access to all address metadata, real-time verification within forms, or email verification by exploring our services.

The two codes are essentially the same in their purpose , but the term Zip code is mainly used in the USA; Postal Code is commonly used in other countries. As of March , Massachusetts is split into two main regional calling areas.

Bulk and API address validation options available. Also included as unemployed are civilians who did not work at all during the reference period, were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off, and were available for work except for temporary illness. A table also provides the same data. Hispanic: The number of individuals who selected Hispanic is an exact count from the Census for this geographic area. Postal Service provides a name and aliases for every ZIP Code which can include cities, towns, villages, and other incorporated names. Total Population: Total number of people from the U. A table also provides the same information. Census Place" includes only the data for the U. Males: The of Males from the Census. Enter a street address to find the unique postcode. Pie Chart showing Population by Race: White [,, This value is an estimate from the U.

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