pierce brosnan hairy chest

Pierce brosnan hairy chest

Whether it's shaved, waxed, trimmed, or just left as is, there's no wrong way to show off your chest hair. But, as proven by these famous guys, hairy is always best.

Pierce Brosnan Files: Message Board. Pierce Ephemera. PB on his hairy chest. Reply PB on his hairy chest. Ace Taipan. Brosnan, 51, says, "I shaved it for my role in Grey Owl, which was a disaster really.

Pierce brosnan hairy chest


Link Copied. The Silicone Valley star is a big fan of the open collar and blazer combination. Same reason why he had a canoe sent to him in California, learned to throw knives and had extensions for his hair.


Exclusive coupons and impressive sales: Shop and save with our new tool. It's been almost three years since Robin Williams died, but the beloved star lives on in his films — and through the memories of those who knew him. Pierce Brosnan starred alongside Williams in the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire," and with the anniversary of the iconic actor's passing just one week away, he took to Instagram Thursday to celebrate the man and their experience filming that classic comedy. It's a memorable scene for fans, too, the moment when Brosnan took a lime to the back of the head while his on-screen rival pretended to be innocent in the act. Brosnan and Williams, who went on to become friends, met for the first time on the set of "Mrs. And I had the time of my life. He added that "every day was just sheer magic with the man.

Pierce brosnan hairy chest

By Becky Freeth for MailOnline. On the eve of his 60th birthday, Pierce Brosnan said that even the number frightened him. But four weeks from his 62nd birthday, Bond appears to be embracing a 'silver fox' status and looked braver than ever in an open shirt on Monday afternoon.

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Very wise decision. The Bears' trade market for Fields got even frostier as the Falcons bowed out of being a potential suitor. Oh and my two pennoth. Other than that, I think usually a hairy chest is sexier than a hairless one. Now, I also noticed that Pierce said that he was working out a lot at the time, and I wondered what finally made him cut back. Naturally, his chest hair follows suit. Brosnan, 51, says, "I shaved it for my role in Grey Owl, which was a disaster really. A film set insider says, "His chest rug is probably the best special effect in the picture. Saban retired Jan. And wearing a day- or two-old stubble in that very sensitive area is very irritating to the skin. From his hair to his beard, Jake Gyllenhaal's grooming is immaculate. I need context people! Besides, the missus really likes my hairy chest.

Brosnan, 51, says, "I shaved it for my role in Grey Owl, which was a disaster really. It wasn't a great success but it was a film I loved.

Just scroll to the bottom to get your own paper Bond doll. The Bond paper doll with removable chest fur was part of the Guardian Bond Special. It wasn't a great success but it was a film I loved. Dustin Hoffman proves that the '80s were a great time for the chest hair trend. Between loads of tattoos and his necklaces, there's always a lot going on with Ozzy Osbourne's chest. I'd suggest they shave too, but if your friends have as much hair density on their ankles as PB does on his chest they probably really do need to wax instead of shave. Pierce Ephemera. I agree that perfect chest hair looks great, but in abcense thereof I'd rather have straggles and splotches than 5 o'click stubble on the chest. I haven't done extensive research but alas such exuberant growth on women's legs isn't completely unheard of, and not just below the knees, above, too. For almost as long as he's been in the public eye, Rhys has rocked the open collar look and let his chest hair show. Recommended Stories.

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