Peter parker fanfiction

Ancestors: Sir Parker ancestor, deceased. Grandparents: Peter Parker parental grand-father, presumed deceased ; Ann Parker paternal grandmother, presumed deceased ; William Fitzpatrick maternal peter parker fanfiction, deceased. Parents: Richard Parker father ; Mary Parker mother. Siblings: Teresa Parker sister .

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. With his new spider powers, Peter discovered something interesting: 1.

Peter parker fanfiction

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. The Assistant Pietro Maximoff x At least, that's what she tells the Avengers when she starts to work for Tony Stark as his assistant. Reached Number 1 in: marvel pietro Of Numbers and Strange Friendships by nekoamamori 2M Loki and Peter Parker somehow forge a friendship after one flippant comment. No one on the team quite understands how it happened. But it seems to do the god some good t Peter Parker breaks his phone and fixes it but it messed with his contacts. Most were saved but one was mixed around making a new number, who could it be?

It's stupid. No girls left behind. Now he feels when Mr.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. The Assistant Pietro Maximoff x At least, that's what she tells the Avengers when she starts to work for Tony Stark as his assistant. Reached Number 1 in: marvel pietro Of Numbers and Strange Friendships by nekoamamori 2M Loki and Peter Parker somehow forge a friendship after one flippant comment.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. The Assistant Pietro Maximoff x At least, that's what she tells the Avengers when she starts to work for Tony Stark as his assistant. Reached Number 1 in: marvel pietro Of Numbers and Strange Friendships by nekoamamori 2M Loki and Peter Parker somehow forge a friendship after one flippant comment. No one on the team quite understands how it happened. But it seems to do the god some good t Peter Parker breaks his phone and fixes it but it messed with his contacts.

Peter parker fanfiction

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In.

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At some point i believe the fic also mentions pepper waking up on the couch with a spilled glass of wine and her assuming she fell asleep? If you are able to find anything, thank you :. Behind this humorous facade, however, is a wounded soul that has gone through much suffering. The way the layers of rubble and concrete lay on his chest like an embrace. Remembers aliens, Titan, Thanos, the stones. Peter Parker accidentally gets Tony Starks number and they start texting. Also, he does this to get on the nerves of his opponents, since he knows that if they are angry, that they would normally lose themselves and be vulnerable to a superior skilled opponent. Spider-Man had got sent to another dimension because of one of Kingpins colliders. Marvel X D. Uncles and Aunts: Karl Octavius uncle ;. He later realized he has been reincarnated in the Marvel world. Don't judge f Update Schedule: There will be one regular chapter per day.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

A chinese odyssey. Miles watches her finger trace the spider bite. The Monkey King. Just for once — that would be a nice chance. The Deviants. Please consider turning it on! Often a loner, Spider-Man is a stalwart member of the super hero community who has earned numerous allies like the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. Valen Peter Parker by madzbooks K There's one thing that he's determined to fix. I'm looking for a fic where: Tony and pepper are Peters biological parents But Obadiah erases there memory of baby Peter using the memory inhibitor this is all before Tony is trapped in the cave in Afghanistan and there relationship with each other Peter was hidden from the press so when he is taken, pepper and Tony don't realise due to the memory loss Years after Tony gets back from Afghanistan he and peter find out that Tony is his biological father but not what happened They only figure the whole thing out after they do a dna test to find Peters biological mother and discover its pepper and that she doesn't know At some point i believe the fic also mentions pepper waking up on the couch with a spilled glass of wine and her assuming she fell asleep? Along with the cover of the story, the picture is download from internet. Shaken by his uncle's tragic death, Spider-Man's vow of responsibility has led him to a path of heroism and humanitarian service. Show more Loading Peter also did a wired thing where he pointed at body parts and reiterated rules from hydra that stuck out to me a lot From then on, Spider-Man became a crime-fighting vigilante.

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