P0440 toyota rav4 2002
Discussion in ' 1st Gen. Tacomas ' started by DmonkeySep 10,
Remember Me? Site Navigation. I got these codes today driving home from work Where do I start? Originally Posted by Aelfwine. Thats the thing, I dont have an FSM.
P0440 toyota rav4 2002
Log in. Sign up. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It seems to point to too many things, from the manual: Vapor pressure sensor malfunction. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. Was my charcoal canister, after I verified everything else, and others have had the same issue. You'll need lots of PB Blaster, Kroil, or other rust dissolver to get to the canister. I had to replace one on each of my vans. On both of mine it was not the electric solenoid valve that was bad, but rather one of the two disc shaped valves on the canister which cannot be purchased separately. There are a couple of web pages where people have disassembled and cleaned the solenoid valves. There is also such a valve on the air filter box and one near the plenum. You might pull those and check them before you invest in the whole canister. The factory manual or a TSB shows how to test them, but essentially, you put 12vdc across the wire terminals.
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Log in. Sign up. Home Forums RAV4. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To be noted too that everytime I clear the code it shows up the very next day.
Log in. Sign up. Home Forums RAV4. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To be noted too that everytime I clear the code it shows up the very next day. Anyone can explain to me the causes and solution for such a fault.
P0440 toyota rav4 2002
The P code is a common trouble code that many Toyota Rav4 owners may encounter. Specifically, the EVAP system is malfunctioning. A variety of causes can trigger the P code, with the most common one being a loose or damaged fuel tank filler cap. P is normally not an immediate threat to the driveability of your Rav4. Evaporative Emission Control System — Malfunction.
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I tried a new Toyota gas cap. Denso First Time Fit Alternator - Those are not 'technicians'. Explore Our Forums. BB code is On. The time now is AM. Kumho Crugen HT51 Tires. I would get another gas cap before you spend any money otherwise. A friend who is a good mechanic said it's rather common for the charcoal canister to crack on these. I'm not happy. EDIT: I'm not sure about the 4runner, but most other models have a serviceable vent valve, meaning you can buy just the valve.
Pic of the valve at the bottom of the post. Clearing the code and it comes back a day or two later. Looks like somebody JB welded a crack or something. TheDurk Elite Member. To get full-access, you need to register for a FREE account. Discussion in ' 1st Gen. The filler neck could have pinholes, not allowing the system to hold vacuum during the test. I've changed the cat. Was my charcoal canister, after I verified everything else, and others have had the same issue. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This would be expensive to fix.
This situation is familiar to me. It is possible to discuss.