Opposite of sapiosexual

Inthe French philosopher Michel Foucault made the meticulously researched case that sexuality is a social construct used as a form of control.

Sapiosexuality can be considered a relatively new term to describe sexual attraction that is based primarily on intellectual stimulation or connection. Sapiosexual people may not experience sexual attraction, or physical attraction, toward another person until they understand them on a deep intellectual level. Such settings may be more conducive to intelligent conversation about common interests. If you have questions about sapiosexuality or sexual identity in general, a licensed therapist can offer professional insight. However, sexual orientation is complex, and no one group has a monopoly on creating new identities.

Opposite of sapiosexual

Wendy Rose Gould is a lifestyle reporter with over a decade of experience covering health and wellness topics. Emily is a board-certified science editor who has worked with top digital publishing brands like Voices for Biodiversity, Study. A person who is demisexual experiences sexual attraction only when they feel a true emotional bond with another person. In other words, a demisexual person may not feel sexually attracted to a person they randomly see at a coffee shop, but if they were to start talking to that person and form an emotional connection, they might then become sexually attracted to them over time. Even some dating websites allow users to select 'demisexual' as their sexual orientation. Margaret Seide , a board-certified psychiatrist and faculty member at New York University. While it's true that many people do want to experience an emotional connection to another person before engaging in any sort of sexual intimacy, this isn't considered the same thing as being demisexual. A demisexual person doesn't feel sexual attraction toward someone until they've bonded, whereas someone else might develop an emotional bond only after they've experienced that spark of sexual attraction. The difference is that those who identify as demisexual cannot feel attracted to people they don't already have an emotional bond with or know on a deeper level. For example, a demisexual person wouldn't find themselves attracted to a famously "sexy" celebrity or even a classically attractive person on the street—in other words, they tend not to feel that same intensity or longing the way others might. Another way to look at it—a demisexual person doesn't feel sexual attraction toward someone until they've bonded, whereas someone else might develop an emotional bond only after they've experienced that spark of sexual attraction.

However, other demisexuals feel that the term "asexuality" doesn't fit their personal experience. When some people think of the opposite of sapiosexual, they may immediately jump to demisexuality.

Morosexual , from "moron" and "sexual", is a term used to describe someone who is sexually attracted to people who have a low level of intelligence. It is the opposite of sapiosexual, a term used to describe someone who is attracted to people of high intelligence. It can be a specific headcanon e. Eddie or a general character trait that the fan believes is canon e. In ships with one or more morosexual character s , the object of their affections is often characterised as being blind to romantic declarations that would be obvious to anyone else, which often gives rise to tropes like pining and perceived unrequited love.

If a person says something silly or dumb, most people will find them stupid or ridiculous, but a Morosexual will find them cute, funny and attractive. Morosexual became an official sexuality December 2, , the same day as its first flag was created. As humanity is not considered an exclusively heterosexual species anymore, this gave rise to the discovery and naming of all other types of sexualities, such as Morosexual. It is discussed whether Morosexual is actually a sexuality, or just a preference towards a trait, similar to preferring blondes over brunettes. However, it can be a sexuality considering that being with a less intelligent partner will make you the more intelligent part of the relationship, giving a sense of superiority, although that does not give a basis for a healthy relationship.

Opposite of sapiosexual

If an intense debate, a stimulating lecture, or a deep conversation gets you going, you may be sapiosexual. Evolutionarily, it makes perfect sense. One study found that intelligence was among the top three traits people look for in a mate. Those who identify as sapiosexual seek intellect in others for sexual arousal. Sapiosexuality is often referred to as sapiophile personality, though they do have slightly different meanings. Kathleen Clark is Chief Learning Officer at Identiversity , a nonprofit organization providing educational resources that foster inclusion, equity, and diversity.

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Learn about our editorial process. But then it is not an opposite day. I've heard "corposexuality" or physiosexuality" posited as possible counterparts for people who are primarily drawn to people's bodies, not their minds. With sapiosexuality, this pattern typically plays out in the opposite trajectory. Learn about our Review Board. Above all, it's important to respect the other person's boundaries and keep communication clear and honest. Stultasexual You people using regular english words for your labels, feel my contempt! In other words, a demisexual person may not feel sexually attracted to a person they randomly see at a coffee shop, but if they were to start talking to that person and form an emotional connection, they might then become sexually attracted to them over time. It puts it in a box, under a tag. While studies on the efficacy of online therapy for exploring sexuality may not yet exist, a large body of evidence supports the notion that online therapy can be equally as effective as traditional, in-person therapy when it comes to treating a variety of mental health concerns. This available option generally allows you to connect with a therapist from the comfort of your home, which can help you feel more comfortable discussing potentially personal subjects like sexuality. Table of Contents.

Daniella Amato is a biomedical scientist and fact-checker with expertise in pharmaceuticals and clinical research. Sexual identity terms refer to words and phrases used to describe human sexuality and orientation including gay, lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual. These terms are not related to gender identity and may differ depending on the individual person or culture.

If you have questions about sapiosexuality or sexual identity in general, a licensed therapist can offer professional insight. Sapiosexuals and demisexuals may be sexually attracted to people of the same gender or different genders. Meet Our Review Board. If a person is fraysexual, they are typically sexually attracted only to people whom they do not know very well. However, sexual identity can be a deeply personal part of your life. Use limited data to select advertising. This could be just someone who has been traumatized and fearful. Sapiosexual is a fairly new word that means "one who finds intelligence the most sexually attractive feature. If you want to do the same, do as I did; just find the latin or greek word or just something that sound like it and add "sexual". Trending Questions. For demisexuals, dating may revolve around opening up emotionally and being vulnerable with one another to build trust.

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