odin vs superman

Odin vs superman

Welcome to the Vine, odin vs superman, enjoy your stay. Anyways Huge mismatch, Odin is skyfather with a debatable Galaxy Busting attack. Thanks, heh. Well see, the only real trouble i'm seeing is how it would work out if they were both trying NOT to hurt each other.

Hitman Ok let's do it!!!! Odin wins because he can exploits Superman Prime's weakness. Survivor19 Odin depowers Prime. And feeds him to his raven. The guy has power to stop time and teleport everyone on earth , and has galactic feats.

Odin vs superman

There's probably an argument that the God Of Thunder himself would be a pretty strong rival to Superman in a straight fight, though his lack of speed would be an impediment certainly and he's not quite there in general power terms. His father, on the other hand, is like Thor levelled up to the maximum. Odin could beat Superman to a pulp and in the past his battles have wreaked so much collateral damage that entire galaxies have been destroyed. He's King Of The Norse Gods, which comes with added power boosts like increased strength, stamina durability and invulnerability to Earthly diseases. He's also resistant to magic, which Superman is not, and his control of the Odin Force means he can do a whole world of things Superman could only dream of. He can teleport entire populations to alternate galaxies, stop time, pull planets down to Earth to squash his enemies, steal souls as he did from Mephisto and he can fight toe-to-toe with Galactus. No mean feat. Next to him, Superman is small fry. WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor. Odin Marvel Comics There's probably an argument that the God Of Thunder himself would be a pretty strong rival to Superman in a straight fight, though his lack of speed would be an impediment certainly and he's not quite there in general power terms. Simon Gallagher Contributor.

And if he could he couldn't do it before Prime knocks him out. Originally posted by shokosugi everybody knows Prime wins against this old hippy.


The age-old debate of who would win between two of the most powerful comic book characters of all time, Odin and Superman, has been a topic of discussion among comic book lovers for years. Odin, the All-Father of the Norse gods, is an incredibly powerful character, capable of wielding vast cosmic power. Superman, the Man of Steel, is arguably the most iconic superhero of all time and one of the most powerful characters in the DC Universe. Both Odin and Superman possess impressive arsenals of abilities, but the question remains—can Odin beat Superman? Mangog is a terrifying villain in this story.

Odin vs superman

All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. This doesn't mean that a higher class would always beat a lower class character. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character. The level determines the final score, of the Super Power, being used in the calculation.

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Good thing we don't pay you to think Harbinger Wait, beating Yat as Ion was impressive enough to suggest he takes a skyfather? What showing does Prime have that puts him on Odin's level? You can call him Jackass Trapper doesn't mean his name is jackass trapper You remind me of leonheart. Hyperion held two universes apart, and survived their destruction, does that imply that they would take Odin as well??? Odin just has some of the most ridiculous feats. Superman Prime!!!!!!! Originally posted by Enyalus Odin. May this be the way? Originally posted by DarkOdin It is thru the runes that gives him knowledge of this. He has never done so. Mxyzptlk or sumthing. KG showed you one of the times a while back. Go to Odin's respect thread Good thing we don't pay you to think.


Yes he can. Just cause the odin force can create and manipulate energy doesn't mean he can use it create red radiation. Thanos is a lot more than Prime imo. Olympus hysterical xJLxKing Originally posted by quanchi I am saying he hasn't so he doesn't do it here. Prime has never speed blitzed anyone. So Odin has cosmic awareness now and he jumps Thanos who was trying to save his son Hitman Thanos with prep PWNs soooo bad! It's too early. Originally posted by quanchi Prime has never speed blitzed anyone. So lets get this right Red sun makes red radiation You can make sun but you can't make radiation. Its godly essence. I don't list feats never before seen and count them as viable options. Welcome to the Vine, enjoy your stay. You know what powers up Prime while one depowers Prime.

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