nuckelavee 5e

Nuckelavee 5e

The Nuckelavee I am creating for the fledgling Orkney based setting for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, is based on nuckelavee 5e creature of the same name which is in the folklore of the Orkney Islands in Northern Scotland.

Large fiend , neutral evil. Challenge 13 10, XP. The nuckelavee can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. The nuckelavee regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. This giant, vaguely humanoid fiend is draped in tattered, bloody rags that drag along the ground.

Nuckelavee 5e

The Nuckelavee can take 3 Legendary Actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Spent legendary Actions are regained at the start of each turn. Dragged to the Grave. The Nuckelavee does not have its speed reduced while grappling a creature. If the Nuckelavee moves while it is grappling a creature, the grappled creature suffers 1 point of bludgeoning damage for every 5 feet the Nuckelavee moves. If the Nuckelavee fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed it instead. Omen of Death. The Nuckelavee does not breathe and it does not require sleep, food or water to survive. All crops within feet of the Nuckelavee wither and die.

And dramatically quicker to work up a functional statblock than the old Pathfinder days.

Underwater Camouflage. The nuckelavee has advantage on Dexterity Stealth checks made while underwater. The nuckelaveee makes two attacks with its claws. If both claw attacks hit the same target, the nuckelavee deals an additional 9 2d8 slashing damage. Horrifying Visage.

In the misty and mystical landscapes of Scottish folklore, one finds a creature of unparalleled malevolence and dread—the Nuckelavee. Shrouded in darkness and steeped in terror, the Nuckelavee is a beast that haunts the nightmares of those who dare to delve into the eerie world of mythical creatures. Its mysterious origins make it a symbol of chaos and destruction. Unlike other mythical creatures, it has no family, standing alone in malevolence, striking fear in all who know its name. Moreover, this ghastly creature is often described as a monstrous hybrid, a grotesque fusion of a man and a horse. Furthermore, its appearance is a chilling testament to the malevolent forces that spawned it. In the upper half of the Nuckelavee, there is a sickening representation of a man, but one twisted by unimaginable evil. Its emaciated and skeletal body actively houses sinewy muscles that appear ready to burst through its pallid, translucent skin. Furthermore, its head actively exhibits grotesque elongation and featurelessness, except for a single, malevolent eye that actively glows with an eerie, fiery light.

Nuckelavee 5e

Demon from the seas of Scotland Nuckelavee appears on land as fiery-eyed demon riding a fleshless horse. The rider is a horror to look upon and merges into the horse's body, as if sticking out like a mutant appendage. His was a hard life, but a rewarding one. It had been full of back-breaking work, but also love, children, happiness. He was returning home, walking the miles back to the home he shared with his wife, back to the sea, when he heard the pounding of hooves approaching.

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The nuckelavee is a mythic beast, a skinless horse-being with a humanoid rider's upper body grafted to the horse's body where a normal rider might sit. Creatures frightened this way are paralyzed. Its arms split at the elbow into six separate arms, each with a clawed hand. I'll grant him a secondary feature Plant creatures starting their turn within feet of the Nuckelavee suffer 4d10 necrotic damage. Home of user-generated, homebrew pages! Seems only appropriate! This giant, vaguely humanoid fiend is draped in tattered, bloody rags that drag along the ground. With that in mind, I'll work out the stats like this: Multi-attack Frightened creatures, livestock and non-combative creatures have disadvantage on this saving throw and receive double damage. Created by MonsterMashHBrew. Nuckelavee Huge abberation, chaotic evil. Remove these ads.

Large aberration , chaotic evil.

Contact me through comments on the appropriate post. But they pretty easily took down something that should have eaten them for lunch Drag to Death. This towering quadruped has two clawed, gangly arms dangling down below its equine maw. Speed 60ft Swim: 60ft. The islands, along with the Shetland Islands, have a strong Norse link having been occupied and under the rule of the Scandinavians from the late 8th century until the midth century when the islands were part of a dowry given by Christian I, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden when his daughter married King James III of Scotland. Description at a distance you might mistake it for someone riding a horse but upon further inspection the true horror of this creature is revealed. In researching the folklore of Orkney, and by default, Shetland and Scandinavia, let alone diversions into other European folklore, many of the creatures are the same, or versions of each other. Not bad The Orkney Press. Lastly I'll add a fear effect from the traits: horrifying visage, as a banshee. Undead Nature. Personal tools Talk Contributions Create account Log in. It, at the end of the day is all speculation as most of the stories were handed down by word of mouth. Challenge 13 10, XP.

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