

The NTeQ model is a student-centered approach to lesson planning that focuses nteq the use of technology as a learning tool, rather than an instructional delivery or drill and practice tool. It all begins with the learning objectives which are derived from various standards, of course, nteq. Technology integration begins in the nteq step by matching computer or application functions to nteq action verbs of the learning objectives, nteq. The ability to match function to objectives is key to a successful problem-based lesson — students use the applications as tools to solve a home made pusy.

Instructional Design and Technology. Home Educational Instruction Week 1 Posting. Week 2 Posting. Week 3 Posting. Week 4 Posting. Week 5 Posting. Week 6 Posting.



Week 4 Posting. I think that the link to the NTeQ article below is a great resource for teachers, nteq. Week 3 Nteq.


This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Rent this article via DeepDyve. Institutional subscriptions. Clark, R. Reconsidering research on learning from media. Review of Educational Research , 53, — Article Google Scholar.


It is a framework for educators to integrate technology effectively into their lesson plans. It focuses on using technology as a tool for student-centered learning. Also, on inquiry and discovery rather than simply delivering instruction or practicing skills. Also Read: Virtual Communities and educational Implication. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Key features of the NTeQ model: step process: The model provides a clear and structured approach to planning lessons, with ten distinct steps guiding teachers through the process.

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I learned how to use this model in my IDT studies, and I highly recommend it as a methodical approach to technology integration that, if implemented properly, creates a learning environment that is student-centered and teacher-facilitated. Some of the components that I really like in this model are: Specifying the Problem — this makes the model very task specific and purposeful. Week 5 Posting. Arrange, sequence, tabulate Arranging events in chronological order with a table; Sequencing audio and video in a screencast Assess, evaluate, judge Weighing the pros and cons of a real-world problem in a dilemma-based video game e. Instructional Design and Technology. Week 2 Posting. In the jigsaw design below, integration of computer technology is highlighted with the colored stars — again helping educators with technology integration. Below is an outline of the 10 components of the NTeQ model. The ability to match function to objectives is key to a successful problem-based lesson — students use the applications as tools to solve a problem. Home Educational Instruction Week 1 Posting. Besides exploring the NTeQ model, it provides some very helpful, hands-on data. Weighing the pros and cons of a real-world problem in a dilemma-based video game e. Already have a WordPress. I learn a lot from your blog, Amanda.

Instructional Design and Technology. Home Educational Instruction Week 1 Posting.

I learn a lot from your blog, Amanda. Loading Comments The IDT background has really opened a lot of doors for me, and for librarians, I do think those skills are necessary for facilitating the evolution of libraries into 21st century learning institutions. Week 3 Posting. Technology integration begins in the second step by matching computer or application functions to the action verbs of the learning objectives. Weighing the pros and cons of a real-world problem in a dilemma-based video game e. Home Educational Instruction Week 1 Posting. Already have a WordPress. Arranging events in chronological order with a table; Sequencing audio and video in a screencast. I think that the link to the NTeQ article below is a great resource for teachers.

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