nitter reddit

Nitter reddit

Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms e.

There were often "rate-limited" errors that hadn't completely prevented the site from being usable since the nitter people said the site would go down eventually. Are there any currently? It's over. It isn't just Twitter, it's every single website that's turned themselves into a login-walled "application". Twitter's relative openness lasted a long time. It was open by default because it is a product built in , when the idea of coralling people into walled gardens to show them ads didn't exist. Apps built later take the concept of "walled garden" as a default feature.

Nitter reddit

Warning: long somewhat related story that is basically humblebragging, but the summary is that bypassing Twitter ratelimits is not very hard. I didn't feel like playing around with Twitter's annoying certificate pinning so I just uploaded the Twitter APK to Corellium, turned on what they call the "network monitor", opened the Twitter app since it lets you use Twitter without signing in. I clicked around, searched and viewed tweets. Then I looked at the requests in the log and saw it has a similar guest token process to the website but with a few differences. Anyways, if you recreate these requests, with one IP address you can generate a few OAuth tokens with no expiry per day. These tokens are for unauthenticated users so obviously they have no write privileges but that's not what was needed here. It doesn't even matter what IP you end up using the tokens on. And Twitter doesn't even block datacenter IP addresses! Lots of Chinese gambling ads even though Twitter is blocked there, dubious investment promoters, accounts with usernames like FirstnameLastname who would tweet three random words at each other every couple of seconds, and a handful of funny tweets. This isn't nearly as efficient, but a simpler way to bypass the ratelimit is to use archive. It's useful if you don't have an account and just want to see a few tweets here and there. Rewriting any major front-end, complete with working authentication and handling idiosyncrasies of the private API is a herculean task. For context, Twitter would have a team of two dozen or more supporting what this does, effectively.

Linux user accounts are local to the system, not centralized in a cloud service. Still not available in the EU, nitter reddit.


Privacy Redirect is an open source browser extension that redirects links and requests to certain privacy-offensive sites to privacy-friendly alternatives. The extension is available for Firefox, Chrome and Edge officially, and should work in most browsers based on Firefox or Chromium as well. Once installed, most redirects happen automatically. What is particularly good about the extension is that it loads the content the user requested, if possible. To give you an example: if you open Ghacks' official Twitter account in a browser that has the extension installed, you are redirected to a Nitter instance to access the content. Some redirects are not enabled by default. It is a good idea to visit the options first to configure the extension properly. The search engine, translation and Wikipedia redirects are not enabled, the redirects for Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Google Maps, and Instagram are enabled by default. You can toggle these individually under options. The Privacy Redirects extension has more to offer than that.

Nitter reddit

Internet users who want to access content on Twitter without account may have noticed that Twitter is now redirecting some attempts to do so to its login page. Twitter content is often linked in other publications. Users who follow these links may notice that they can't read the content anymore without a Twitter account. It is unclear if Twitter is limiting access regionally or rolling out the change currently to all anonymous users. The access issue seems to affect topics and not individual threads at the time, at least on our test systems and confirmed by our colleagues over at Deskmodder. Users may sign-in to Twitter or sign-up for an account using it. Twitter is not the only online service that is preventing access to anonymous users. Notable other services include Pinterest, Reddit or Quora. Update: it appears that changes that Twitter has made on July 1, are blocking Nitter access to the service.

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Probably because of privacy issues. Macha 7 months ago root parent next [—] To be clear, this is not intended to be a dig at the nitter team, I always assumed the software was more their focus than nitter. HN-search : Algolia Hacker News search. Anyone remember threads? Does anybody know of something like that, by the way? Since the API is completely cut off from Twitter, there is no official way to backup other people's accounts. Especially since I can use Mastodon, and that is actually very nice. Removes tracking parameters from any url. Android app. Lately, I get "Whoa pardner" treatment whenever I try to read it without logging in. If anything, we're getting back to the status quo of 20 years ago when most forums required you to make an account to enter. Not if you setup your own instance and use your own account sparingly reply. I saw on Reddit that someone is building an open source, non-federated Reddit clone. But users on the internet have near zero patience with such demands from platforms, especially when the platform in question is losing relevance and isn't unique.

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Tommy 9 days ago prev next [—]. I watch pretty much everything at 2x speed p and have no issues with buffering. I think you have 3 alternatives: 1. Well, let's not give them ideas. You will always be running something as a user who has a user id. You can even make money on the internet this way: www. Does anybody do that, though? Setting the resolution to usually solves the problem, but transfers the problem to my wonky internet connection. Tweet-app : Desktop Twitter client only for tweeting. So it will be something totally not adult, just a small sub with important information you're looking for and you can't view it anonymously from a browser.

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