nintendogs how to get trainer points

Nintendogs how to get trainer points

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Nintendogs how to get trainer points

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September 7, This guide will show you a few different methods that can help you rack up those points and get your dog or cat to the top of the leaderboard. One way to get Trainer Points is to simply play with your pet. This can include activities like taking them for a walk, playing fetch, or teaching them new tricks. Another way to get Trainer Points is by entering your dog or cat in competitions. There are a variety of competitions available, such as obedience trials, agility trials, and beauty contests. Doing well in these competitions will give you a nice point boost. Finally, you can also get Trainer Points by completing special challenges. Completing these challenges will usually net you a fair amount of points.

Nintendogs how to get trainer points

During walks, the player and their puppy can go to various locations. In Nintendogs , it is possible to take multiple walks in a day, but there must be at least a half-hour gap in between. To begin a walk, tap the "Go Out" button on the bottom screen, tap "Walk", and a screen of the neighborhood will be seen. Drag the stylus and create a line wherever you would like to go.

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