Nibling meaning

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Nibling meaning

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns. English Usage. Teaching Resources. Video Guides. Video Learn English. Video pronunciations. Build your vocabulary. Quiz English grammar.

Don't get me wrong, I think gender-neutral terms are really important. Paul Noble Method.

Skip navigation! Story from Relationships. Last Updated May 26, , PM. Recently, like in the last six months, I've been seeing a specific word everywhere. It's a word that makes my skin crawl, a word that I can't say aloud without miming a gag. No, it's not "cicada" or "malarkey. For those of you who have been lucky enough to have never heard the word or seen it typed out on social media — which is where most of my exposure to it has come from — allow me to explain what exactly it means.

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. English Grammar in Spanish. Grammar Patterns. English Usage.

Nibling meaning

Nibling is a gender-neutral term used to refer to a child of one's sibling as a replacement for "niece" or "nephew". The word is thought to have been coined in the early s, but was relatively obscure for several decades before being revived in recent years. Are you someone who has a sibling or siblings with multiple offspring of varying genders you'd like to refer to efficiently?


Japanese English to Japanese. French English to French. It's a photo of my parents holding my newest nibling. But why "siblings"? My nieces and nephews have liked it. But, should you? Mandarin Chinese images. French images. Quiz German confusables. French grammar. English collocations. Would you like a single word that could apply generally to all of them, be they infants, wee ones, tween or teen ones, or even full-blown adults? English—Dutch Dutch—English. Browse nibble away at something.

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Traditional Chinese confusables. Word Icons. All the typical datin. Cancel Submit. Pick the best ones! And evidence of the word in use began to appear in print as well, though more often on the other side of the proverbial pond:. The word's coinage is widely credited to Samuel E. German English to German. From my perspective, seemingly out of nowhere — but now it's everywhere. Homophones, Homographs, and Homonyms. English images. Thematic word lists. Hindi to English.

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