Nadal nishikori head to head
This is a list of the main career statistics of professional tennis player Rafael Nadal.
Head to head career and match stats comparison between Nishikori vs Nadal. For active players who have an upcoming match between them we will show our machine learning H2H prediction here for Nishikori, Nadal. Grand Slams. Data is for all tournament levels. We cover all levels of tennis events worldwide with latest news and full stats analysis. Head to head pages between players have detailed historical stats, current event stats and predictions.
Nadal nishikori head to head
At Matchstat. Let's dive in with our Nadal vs Nishikori analysis and find out who is favored! Currently displayed stats includes matches of all levels. H2H Prediction: Cobolli Tsitsipas. H2H Prediction: Shelton Arnaldi. H2H Prediction: Gigante Krueger. H2H Prediction: Yunchaokete Kovalik. If you are looking to predict tennis or soccer matches, Matchstat. We have league, player and team stats, and specialise in detailed h2h stats between tennis players or soccer teams. All our predictions are based on machine learning and AI. Matchstat is designed to help you in your analysis and predictions but the responsibility for your final predictions are your own. It's good to talk Get in touch with us support matchstat. Exclude lower level events from stats.
He has beaten a No. Sam Querrey. Thomaz Bellucci.
Head to head career and match stats comparison between Nadal vs Nishikori. For active players who have an upcoming match between them we will show our machine learning H2H prediction here for Nadal, Nishikori. Grand Slams. Data is for all tournament levels. We cover all levels of tennis events worldwide with latest news and full stats analysis. Head to head pages between players have detailed historical stats, current event stats and predictions.
Nadal nishikori head to head
At Matchstat. Let's dive in with our Nadal vs Djokovic analysis and find out who is favored! Currently displayed stats includes matches of all levels. H2H Prediction: Kolar Agamenone.
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Olivier Mutis. Responsible Gambling. ATP Tour Masters Titles by Location Outdoors 11—4. Exclude lower level events from stats. He also holds the longest single-surface win streak in the Open Era, having won 81 consecutive matches on clay between April and May Wimbledon , London, England. Mutua Madrid Open - Madrid. US Open. H2H Records Career Stats. Valencia , Spain. Rogers Cup Toronto , Canada. Our prediction model works! Defeated Mariano Puerta.
Florent Serra. Head to head career and match stats comparison between Nishikori vs Nadal. Shang q. Both Ivan Lendl , and Laver , achieved this feat twice. Titles by Location Outdoors 11—4. Guillermo Coria 2. Casper Ruud. Exclude lower level events from stats. Indian Wells , United States. Beijing , China. Great Britain. He is also the first of two male players to win three consecutive Grand Slam tournaments on three different surfaces clay, grass, and hard courts in the same year , a feat later achieved by Djokovic Defeated Guillermo Coria.
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