mordekaiser op gg

Mordekaiser op gg

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Mordekaiser op gg


You do NOT want to fight him at levels as he wins straight mordekaiser op gg. You can also use this time to look for a Honeyfruit if you took a bad trade in lane, want to sustain up but don't want to use your Health Potion.


Focus the biggest threat on the enemy team with your Ultimate R in team fights to get them out of the way for your allies. Store as much damage as you can on your W before looking to trade. The shield can provide can make the difference between winning a fight and losing it. Mordekaiser is easily kited by ranged champions. Make sure you let them use their dashes or movement abilities first so it makes landing your E easier. Check out the latest and best Mordekaiser Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv. New champion is live!

Mordekaiser op gg

Twice slain and thrice born, Mordekaiser is a brutal warlord from a foregone epoch who uses his necromantic sorcery to bind souls into an eternity of servitude. Few now remain who remember his earlier conquests, or know the true extent of his powers—but See More. Mordekaiser gains a powerful damage aura and Move Speed after landing 3 attacks or spells against champions or monsters. Mordekaiser smashes the ground with his mace dealing damage to each enemy struck.

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What is your role for this current game? Tryndamere is a very tough cheese matchup. Berserkers, Ninja Tabi and Swiftness work best, Mercury's are an option too. Dodging her stun makes it cleaner and stops her from outplaying you and getting away so try not to get hit by it. You should only be able to be hit by the first Aatrox Q, as the other 2 are completely outplayable. If he plays too safe and you can't land your E, just farm up and prepare for Teamfights. At that point, feel free to come on and ask me questions live at any point in time. Just take it slow, farm up and be patient. He is just annoying. I've seen cases where someone picks Mordekaiser , thinking he is an easy champ to play, only for them to fail miserably as they don't know a thing about the character. If you look at your map, you see the next minion wave the minion waves are mirrored.

Mordekaiser top has a The best Mordekaiser players have a

His short range means that you will be able to poke him with your Q so try to make sure that you avoid poke and then go in to hit a Q only, with you backing out after. In order to participate in lane, she has to walk up to your melee range. Early Game. Splitpushing Splitpushing is one of the most powerful tactics that you can utilise as a strong dueling champion. Ideal Synergies. Later on, you need to start punishing her. Learning Mordekaiser gives you a very powerful pick for Toplane. Bully him, don't let him stack and keep killing him. Q, AA, AA and then just kite him with your superior movement speed. Try your best to stay on one side of him.

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