Mjolnir hammer pronunciation

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Mjolnir hammer pronunciation

Go to a quiet place and then click on the record button. Step 2. Does it sound great? Yes No. Mjolnir is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling: [ mule-Near ]. Please wait.. Say the name slowly and clearly. Stop Recording in progress.. Step 1. Click the play button to listen to the recorded audio. Thank you for recording this name. It will be added to the website after review. Interested in recording more names?

Additional Information:. Do not say My-ol-near. How to pronunce Kastellanos.


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Mjolnir hammer pronunciation

The hammer is attested in numerous sources, including the 11th century runic Kvinneby amulet , the Poetic Edda , a collection of eddic poetry compiled in the 13th century, and the Prose Edda , a collection of prose and poetry compiled in the 13th century. The hammer was commonly worn as a pendant during the Viking Age in the Scandinavian cultural sphere, and Thor and his hammer occur depicted on a variety of objects from the archaeological record. Today the symbol appears in a wide variety of media and is again worn as a pendant by various groups, including adherents of modern Heathenry. In Lokasenna , in which the deity Loki and other gods trade insults see flyting. In the poem, Thor wakes one day to find that his hammer is missing. Furious, the god pulls his beard, shakes his head, and searches for the absent weapon. Thor consults with Loki, informing him that only he knows that his hammer is missing.

Prefect vs temporal

Posts: Meanings for Mjolnir mjolnir is thor's hammer. Mjolnir should be in sentence. Have you finished your recording? How to pronunce Kirbo. Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation? In some instances it's like an I in the middle of a word which means like an E pronounced in english, different from the "ai" sound , in others it's more like a G. Comments about Mjolnir. Clemmie McCullough. How to pronunce Kastellanos.

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You've got the pronunciation of Mjolnir right. In some instances it's like an I in the middle of a word which means like an E pronounced in english, different from the "ai" sound , in others it's more like a G. Or Me-ol-near. Baseer [en]. Yeah, I heard that Thor was coming back with an enchanted butter knife. How to pronunce Kastellanos. How to Pronounce Piotr 2, Views. The proper pronunciation of Newfoundland is? Stop Recording in progress.. View article GamesRadar. Add phonetic spelling Cancel. Antonyms for Mjolnir Add antonyms. Examples of in a sentence Marvel's Avengers Easter egg teases another hero might be worthy to hold Mjolnir. Enter your email address to sign up. Practice mode x x x.

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