mirage t smokes

Mirage t smokes

Knowing lineups for the smokes can be pretty helpful, and correctly placing them will allow you to take control of the map without many hiccups.

Smoke grenades. Everybody needs them, but nobody knows how to throw them. There are plenty of smoke grenade guides out there, but most of them contain jumpbind-scripts, and with it being a rule in many big tournaments that you cannot use jumpbinds, I decided that it is time to gather a lot of useful smokes for which you do not need to use jumpbinds. In this article, I will show you 22 different smokes, some of them for T and some of them for CT side. Obvious smokes, like simply throwing one into the exit of Palace from A-site will not be included, as it would pollute this article with unnecessary and obvious information. The place where you will smoke - Pros and Cons - Visuals - A small video showing the smoke lineup.

Mirage t smokes

Now you can access the best smokes in real-time, so no more memorizing - simply use them as you play on your second screen. Plus, create and share amazing smokes within our supportive community. Prefer to check out a few first? Here are our top 10 favorite Mirage smokes for ! Alright, alright, alright! So you wanna be the king of the Mirage? Is a great way to limit the visibility from the market position and reduces visibility to the window position in the market. Back Alley to B Site Window jump throw? Stand in the corner wall and aim for the top of the tower. A smoke grenade thrown, Market smoked! Combining this smoke with the one above to B-door smoke you can take the vision of the market position completely which is can be super useful to stop any rotations from A from advancing.

Combining this smoke with the one above to B-door smoke you can take the vision of the market position completely which is can be super useful to stop any rotations from A from advancing. Stand in the corner wall and aim for the top of the tower. Table of Contents, mirage t smokes.


Smoke grenades. Everybody needs them, but nobody knows how to throw them. There are plenty of smoke grenade guides out there, but most of them contain jumpbind-scripts, and with it being a rule in many big tournaments that you cannot use jumpbinds, I decided that it is time to gather a lot of useful smokes for which you do not need to use jumpbinds. In this article, I will show you 22 different smokes, some of them for T and some of them for CT side. Obvious smokes, like simply throwing one into the exit of Palace from A-site will not be included, as it would pollute this article with unnecessary and obvious information. The place where you will smoke - Pros and Cons - Visuals - A small video showing the smoke lineup. Before we jump into these smoke lineups, let's talk about what a good smoke is. In order to do so, we can look at the intended purpose of smoke grenades: Smoke grenades are grenades used to mask your movement, in order to stay undetected or gain a safer passage, or deny vision of the enemy overseeing certain spots by removing his ability to see spots where you intend to take map control. Well, when you try to mask your movement, you need to make sure that the smoke deployed either has no gap or only one close at your destination for you to stay safe after the enemy has had view contact with you. Let's say you want to move into secret on Nuke from Red Container, not being able to throw the second smoke close enough to cover all the way to Secret.

Mirage t smokes

Smoke grenades are one of the best tools at the T-side's disposal to get map control and win rounds on Mirage. You can use smoke grenades to block off angles from the CTs, so that they are unable to see you crossing or shoot you. This means you can get in to a good position, plant the bomb, and take the round.


Your ultimate gaming companion. You can safely get behind the Midcart by molotoving, or at least flashing, Connector. This kind of smoke will never completely lock Ts out, as Tetris often is a pretty secure place to stand in and to progress from in a bombsite take, and the way from A-Main to Tetris is really short. Now throw your smoke into the corner of the lower archway. You will then need to line up your crosshair with the highlighted edge in the fence as well as the top part of the left antenna. In order to do so, we can look at the intended purpose of smoke grenades: Smoke grenades are grenades used to mask your movement, in order to stay undetected or gain a safer passage, or deny vision of the enemy overseeing certain spots by removing his ability to see spots where you intend to take map control. This Smoke, together with other smokes, can lock CTs out of the bombsite altogether or at least grant you a safe plant for the B-Apartments. This also, combined with different smokes, allows you to deny the CTs so much information that they have to go aggressive somewhere, where you could catch them making a mistake. This smoke will most likely delay B-site executes that are about to happen. It also allows you to plant inside or in front of the smoke, in order to have a good plant for the B-Apartments. This smoke will allow you to further take Mid control, with smokes like top Connector or the Window smokes. Well, when you try to mask your movement, you need to make sure that the smoke deployed either has no gap or only one close at your destination for you to stay safe after the enemy has had view contact with you. This smoke would allow the Connector player to peek above the smoke and spot, and in extension, potentially kill people going Short.

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Support us by getting our merchandise in our shop. However, you should remember that it is necessary to position the crosshair precisely for this smoke to land correctly. Plus, create and share amazing smokes within our supportive community. I really don't know how to describe this differently without sounding like a 4-year old. Combining it with the 'T-roof - Jungle smoke' you can cut off vision completely from the connector, stairs and sniper nest. This Short smoke, however, is not as good as the other one that is thrown from Catwalk, as this leaves the CTs a clear passageway into the Ladder Room and therefore into Window, which is a direct and relatively safe connection to Jungle. This smoke denies the Ts easy entry into Connector while sustaining the view contact towards Short. Now you simply need to aim to the right of the lower edge of the ledge protruding from the big tower. Fortunately, the smoke is released from the exact location as the market smoke, eliminating the need to remember an additional throwing position. The Jungle and Connector smoke will be as vital as the other smokes of the A site, and you need to throw all of them together for perfect execution. This A Stairs smoke is effortless to deploy, and you must align yourself with the start of the door frame that you will find on the wall. This lineup gives you quite a lot of leeway and you will not need to be super accurate with your timing of your jump and the throw.

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