mikro play mat

Mikro play mat

Designed for you, loved by little ones. Designed purposely for early learning.

Find anything you need. Item added to cart! Tribal Wool Kids Crafted from a soft cream hue, exuding a touch of warmth and versatility to any space. The tribal-inspired patterns, thoughtfully woven bring a sense of tradition and character to the play mat. Our play mats are reversible giving you the flexibility of two completely different looks. On the reverse of this design is our Vintage Fade.

Mikro play mat


Tribal Wool Kids


Our eco-friendly, biodegradable toys compliment our subtle rug look play mats and child centred, yet modern designs. Our padded baby play mats are reversible giving you the flexibility of two completely different looks. Shopping for the littlest members of your tribe can be a difficult task. Here are our top 5! Our beautifully thought out School Memory Books are generic and align with the Australian Curriculum titles for each year, meaning they can be used in every state of Australia.

Mikro play mat

The Aztec, features a tribal print, inspired by the art of the Aztec people, dating as far back as the 13th century. Ironically, this age old art brings modern life to the living room. Our play mats are reversible giving you the flexibility of two completely different looks. On the reverse of this design is our Textured Natural Stripes. Heat and exposure to sunlight increases this natural process.

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The neutral colour palate of this rug look design make it an easy choice for any child's space. I have so many people comment on how comfortable it is. Take a moment to stop and enjoy them. The power of conversation and connection is immeasurable. They look great! Care for Country and look after the trees, plants and flowers. Stylish, affordable, safe. I have loved you from the moment I knew you were coming; every flutter and movement you made to remind me you were there. No more products available for purchase. Be fierce, but always choose kindness. Vintage Fade Kids Summer Vibe is a gorgeous earthy play mat, just as fun as to describe as it was to design. This site requires cookies in order to provide all of its functionality.

Keep Me New. Let's Play.

Moving into a home with polished floors with an 8 month old that had just started pulling himself up was making me anxious but this provided a cushioned play area for him that I felt comfortable he was a bit safer on. Sadhini Wijesiri. Eco-friendly wooden toys Designed purposely for early learning Shop education store. Aluka Harris. Product Features. Make connections with people, check in, reach out and lift up. Find in Store. Perfect for those who appreciate both simplicity and style, this rug is a versatile accent that complements a variety of decors. Summer Vibe is a gorgeous earthy play mat, just as fun as to describe as it was to design. Taylor Crighton. Shop Play Mats. Easy to wipes clean.

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